pranayama training

This is a Train­ing for Yoga students/teachers that want an in-depth explo­ration, prac­tice and study in the pro­found tra­di­tion of Pranaya­ma, Kriya and Dha­rana.

The con­tent of this Train­ing covers:

  • In-depth tech­nique of the Tra­di­tion­al Pranaya­mas and Kriyas of Hatha Yoga
  • In-depth look at var­i­ous Dharana/Meditation tech­niques relate to breath and Prana Vidya*
  • In-depth study of Band­has, Kumb­hakas, Tim­ing, Ratios
  • Work with some Mod­ern tech­niques vs. Tra­di­tion­al Yoga Practices
  • Sequenc­ing for your­self — how to grow your prac­tice over time, respond to sea­sons, life, etc
  • Key Asanas to open Breath Body, influ­ence prop­er breath­ing, sta­bi­lize the seat­ed position
  • Merg­ing Asana and Pranayama
  • Work­ing with com­mon chal­lenges (eg. tight­ness of breath, imbal­ances, stress, poor sleep)
  • Work­ing to help with cer­tain con­di­tions (eg. hyper-ten­sion, depres­sion, insomnia)
  • Morn­ing ver­sus Evening con­sid­er­a­tions, work­ing with Moon Cycles and Seasons
  • Using the Inter­nal Cleans­ing Kriyas — the Shatkar­mas of Hatha Yoga
  • in-depth Ayurvedic per­spec­tives rel­a­tive to breath
  • Anato­my of Breath
  • Pranaya­ma and the Ner­vous System
  • Pranaya­ma and the Chakra Sys­tem, Vayus, Nadis
  • Supine Pranaya­ma and Savasana techniques
  • Chant­i­ng and Mantra


Stephen Thomas

Pranaya­ma, Kriya, Med­i­ta­tion, Breath Relat­ed Asana

Brigi Thomas-Moog

Ayurve­da, Breath Relat­ed Asana

Dates and Times (CET)

Mod­ule One - RECORDED
Intro­duc­to­ry Course of 6 hours — avail­able in Library by Aug, 01st, 2024
Must be com­plet­ed before start of Mod­ule 2

Mod­ule Two
Fri­day Aug 30th / 18.30 — 20.30
Sat­ur­day Aug 31st / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Sun­day Sep 01st / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Between each mod­ule, record­ings of the Thurs­day morn­ing prac­tices are used to keep you on track with sequences, audio/video. Doc­u­ments and text guid­ance also avail­able.

Mod­ule Three
Fri­day Sep 27th / 18.30pm — 20.30
Sat­ur­day Sep 28th / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Sun­day Sep 29th / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Between each mod­ule, record­ings of the Thurs­day morn­ing prac­tices are used to keep you on track with sequences, audio/video. Doc­u­ments and text guid­ance also available.

Mod­ule Four
Fri­day Oct 18th / 18.30 — 20.30
Sat­ur­day Oct 19th / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Sun­day Oct 20th / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Between each mod­ule, record­ings of the Thurs­day morn­ing prac­tices are used to keep you on track with sequences, audio/video. Doc­u­ments and text guid­ance also avail­able.

Mod­ule Five
Fri­day Nov 22nd / 18.30 — 20.30
Sat­ur­day Nov 23rd / 7.30 — 10.30 incl. Q/A
Sun­day Nov 24th / 7.30 — 9.30 plus clos­ing ceremony

The course includes free access to Stephen’s week­ly Thurs­day morn­ing Pranayama/Asana (accord­ing offi­cial sched­ule) at 7.00 — 8.30 am CET (45 mins. Pranaya­ma, 45 mins select­ed Asana and each week is themed). This can be attend­ed live on Zoom or as record­ing done any­time at your convenience.

Format, Training Requirements & Expectations

The course is a ZOOM Online for­mat. All the ses­sions are record­ed and avail­able for one year after end of the train­ing (Life Time Access avail­able after that).

A 5‑Modules per­son­al jour­ney through these sub­tle prac­tices. You should have enough expe­ri­ence and time to be ready for that jour­ney. There is an expec­ta­tion that you prac­tice reg­u­lar­ly between the mod­ules. Oth­er­wise, you miss the depth and effect this work can have. Mod­ule 1 is record­ed and must be done before start­ing the live work on ZOOM. Mod­ules 2 – 5 can be attend­ed live on the ZOOM, OR watched as a record­ing at your con­ve­nience at your own time. Record­ed mate­r­i­al is sent between the Mod­ules to fol­low along.

What you need for this jour­ney:
- One Yoga Mat
- One Yoga Bol­ster
- Two Yoga Blocks
- One Yoga Strap
- Two Firm Blan­kets
- Eye Cov­er (silk or wrap)

Fees, Application & Further Requirements