workshops & classes

workshops and events


Restorative Yoga Masterclass/Workshop

Feb 01st, 2025
13:30 — 16:30
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Explore restora­tive prop setups designed to help you de-stress and deeply reju­ve­nate! With the sup­port of yoga props, we’ll enhance body align­ment to nour­ish tis­sues, organs, and glands. Slow­ing down and cre­at­ing space for explo­ration will invite your mind and breath into a rich inner land­scape, tap­ping into your body’s nat­ur­al, intu­itive process­es.

In this 3‑hour Katon­ah Yoga deep dive, we’ll focus on ther­a­peu­tic prop setups, hands-on adjust­ments, and imag­i­na­tive prac­tices. These tech­niques fos­ter embod­ied aware­ness and help restore ener­gy, offer­ing a rich, mind­ful reset for both body and mind.

Teacher: Reni Bick­el
Lan­guage: Eng­lish

Price: CHF 75.00
Sign up here

Handstand Special Class — Level 1

Feb­ru­ary 13th, 2025, 18:00 — 19:30

Lev­el One - learn to kick up to hand­stand against the wall

Join Lars for a fun class where you will start learn­ing hand­stands and inver­sions. This spe­cial class is per­fect if youre curi­ous about hand­stands and want some prop­er guid­ance. A great oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow this aspect of the practice.

Use your Svaru­pa abo or drop in as a nor­mal class.

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 20 participants

Embodiment Lab — a laboratory for experience

Feb 15th, 2024
14:00 — 17:00
Svaru­pa Lorraine

This col­lab­o­ra­tive space does not focus on mas­ter­ing spe­cif­ic tech­niques, but on evolv­ing toward a rich­er under­stand­ing of our being to fos­ter more gen­uine con­nec­tions with both our­selves and that which is around us.

We come togeth­er to embark on a pro­found explo­ration through our body-instru­ment. Guid­ed by an inte­gra­tive blend of somat­ics, yoga, free move­ment, sound­scapes and being in com­mu­ni­ty we chal­lenge our pre­con­ceived notions.

Each lab will pro­vide a vari­ety of prac­tices and prin­ci­ples that encour­age you to inves­ti­gate, sense, ques­tion, express and unrav­el. We will engage in ways that refine our per­cep­tion of the sub­tle shifts with­in our body-mind-heart. This is a for­mat to leap into the new and strange while recon­nect­ing with our deep inner know­ing.

Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Lan­guage: Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 75.00
Reduced price avail­able  — get in touch here to apply

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 24 participants

8‑Wochen Achtsamkeits Kurs

Feb 20th — Apr 10th, 2025
Svaru­pa Cave

mit Philipp Eyer — jew­eils Don­ner­stags, 18:30 — 21:00

Während 8 Wochen tre­f­fen wir uns ein­mal wöchentlich um ver­schiedene Acht­samkeits-meth­o­d­en ken­nen­zuler­nen und zu üben, wie Acht­samkeitsmed­i­ta­tion, Atemübun­gen (Pranaya­ma; Buteyko)  und acht­same Bewe­gung (Yoga Asana und con­scious move­ment).

Zudem wer­den wir gemein­sam erforschen, wie unser Ner­ven­sys­tem funk­tion­iert, was „Stress“ in unserem All­t­ag bedeutet und welche Rolle der Vagus­nerv dabei spielt.

Der Kurs basiert auf dem Mod­ell des MBSR Mind­ful­ness based Stress reduc­tion Pro­gramm und soll die Teil­nehmenden unter­stützen während 8 Wochen eine tägliche kurze Selb­st-Prax­is zu entwick­eln…

…neugierig gewor­den? Dann komm mit auf die 8 wöchige Reise zu mehr Acht­samkeit im Alltag!

Dat­en: 20.2./27.2./6.3./13.3./20.3./27.3./3.4./10.4.2025
Tages-Retreat: 23. oder 30.3. (9.00 – 16.00)
Sprache DE oder ENG (gemäss Teilnehmer)

Preis: 700.00 CHF (30% Rabatt mit Kul­turLe­gi) 
Teil­nehmer: 4 – 10

Fundamentals of Yoga

Feb 27th — Mar 27th, 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

the svaru­pa begin­ner course
If you always want­ed to learn the basics that make com­ing to a Yoga class more use­ful, safe and inter­est­ing, we offer this sim­ple Fun­da­men­tal course in an easy and afford­able format.


Handstand Special Class — Level 2

March 1st, 2025, 13:00 — 14:30

Lev­el Two — build a plan to hold hand­stand on your own.

If you can already do a hand­stand against the wall, this spe­cial class will help you improve and hold it longer. We’ll work on tech­niques and exer­cis­es that make you stronger and more bal­anced. You’ll walk out of this class with a per­son­al­ized train­ing plan that will help you achieve your goal of hold­ing a free handstand. 

Use your Svaru­pa abo or drop in as a nor­mal class.

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 20 participants

THE BREATH by keur

March 14th, 2025
18:00 — 20:00
Svaru­pa Lorraine

THE BREATH at beau­ti­ful, spa­cious Svaru­pa Lor­raine in Bern.

The Breath is a unique­ly curat­ed two hours breath­work expe­ri­ence that focus­es on inner and out­er explo­rations. keur com­bines a vari­ety of impact­ful breath­ing exer­cis­es and tech­niques to pro­mote phys­i­cal, men­tal, and emo­tion­al well-being, open­ing the door to the mag­ic with­in you. Click here for more information.

What to bring: Warm sweater, water bot­tle, a jour­nal and and an eye pil­low. We have Yoga mats and blan­kets on-site.

Teach­ing lan­guage: The pri­ma­ry lan­guage of instruc­tion in our class is Eng­lish, but we are also hap­py to pro­vide guid­ance in Ger­man

Prepa­ra­tion: We rec­om­mend not to eat heavy meals before prac­tic­ing breath­ing tech­niques. If you can, try to stop eat­ing 90 min­utes before the work­shop. Care­ful­ly read through our FAQ. If you are preg­nant or have any health con­di­tions, please reach out to us.

Teacher: Manuela & Matthias

Price: CHF 79.00
Sign up here

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 32 participants

Cleansing Week Spring 2025

March 13th — 23rd, 2025

accord­ing to tra­di­tion­al Ayurve­da and Hatha Yoga

Spring is the time to release the win­ter Kapha and cleanse the phys­i­cal and sub­tle chan­nels of the body. The effect is a full body cleanse and men­tal reset. We offer this pro­gram Ayurve­da based, with Pranaya­ma, restora­tive Asanas and Med­i­ta­tion that are designed specif­i­cal­ly for that process

A mono-diet based on Ayurvedic herbs and Kitcha­ree. Kitcha­ree is con­sid­ered to have a cleans­ing effect on the diges­tive tract, giv­ing the metab­o­lism enough nutri­tion to do its dai­ly duties and yet have enough pause from eat­ing to let the sys­tem rest and to focus on elim­i­na­tion of old accu­mu­lat­ed waste mate­r­i­al. It restores the Agni (diges­tive fire) and brings bright­ness to the mind.


Self-guid­ed Kriyas accord­ing to the sup­plied Man­u­al

Morn­ing ses­sions from 07.00 to 08.00 for guid­ed Mantra, Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion and restora­tive Asana. Some days include ques­tion and answer ses­sion after­wards (option­al).

Detailed nutri­tion­al, herbal and dietary sup­port through­out the week pro­vid­ing a prop­er entry, sta­bil­i­ty and prop­er exit-taper­ing from the week.

Ayurvedic Con­sti­tu­tion (Dosha) Self-test to sup­port indi­vid­ual needs


March 15
Meet­ing and Intro Prac­tices includ­ing Q&A 08.30am
March 15 – 16
Prepa­ra­tion week­end using the Man­u­al and video guid­ance
March 17 – 21
5 days of guid­ed 60 min morn­ing Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion, Restor­ing Asana. (attend live, on zoom or watch record­ed mate­r­i­al at your con­ve­nience)
March 22 – 23
2 days of Taper­ing using the Man­u­al and fur­ther guidance

195.00 CHF
Man­u­al, video Record­ings, guid­ance, 6 live prac­tices (space is lim­it­ed for Live instu­dio attendance)

108.00 CHF
for return­ing Stu­dents who have done this Cleanse with us in the past (write to Bri­gi)

Svaru­pa Teacher Train­ing Groups 200H and 300H do this course for FREE

Lan­guage: Eng­lish
For­mat: Online (you are wel­come to join the morn­ing ses­sions live at the svarū­pa cave, record­ings avail­able in the con­tent library until April 6th, 2025)

Mantra in Motion

March 22nd, 2025
14:30 — 17:00
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Mantra in Motion verbindet eine ver­tiefte Yogaprax­is mit der Kraft des gemein­samen Mantra Sin­gens – ein Raum, in dem sich dein Kör­p­er-Herz-Geist vere­ini­gen kann und dadurch das, was du in dein­er Essenz bist, stärkt.

Jed­er Gedanke, jede Inten­sion, jedes Mantra set­zt eine Ursache, die eine Wirkung hat. Kräfte, die unser Sein stärken, unser Leben aus­bal­ancieren und neue Tore öff­nen kön­nen.

So wie Asanas den Kör­p­er har­mon­isieren und stärken, sind Mantras eine Schlüs­sel­prax­is für einen ruhi­gen, klaren Geist. Zusam­men mit der Kraft des Klangs, führen sie uns zu unser­er ure­ige­nen Essenz, der Essenz des Seins an sich. Ein Zus­tand, in dem wir uns wieder erin­nern kön­nen, was wirk­lich wichtig ist.

Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Lan­guage: Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 60.00
Sign up here

Reduced price avail­able  — get in touch here to apply

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 24 participants


Embodiment Lab — a laboratory for experience

May 11th, 2024
14:00 — 17:00
Svaru­pa Lorraine

This col­lab­o­ra­tive space does not focus on mas­ter­ing spe­cif­ic tech­niques, but on evolv­ing toward a rich­er under­stand­ing of our being to fos­ter more gen­uine con­nec­tions with both our­selves and that which is around us.

We come togeth­er to embark on a pro­found explo­ration through our body-instru­ment. Guid­ed by an inte­gra­tive blend of somat­ics, yoga, free move­ment, sound­scapes and being in com­mu­ni­ty we chal­lenge our pre­con­ceived notions.

Each lab will pro­vide a vari­ety of prac­tices and prin­ci­ples that encour­age you to inves­ti­gate, sense, ques­tion, express and unrav­el. We will engage in ways that refine our per­cep­tion of the sub­tle shifts with­in our body-mind-heart. This is a for­mat to leap into the new and strange while recon­nect­ing with our deep inner know­ing.

Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Lan­guage: Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 75.00
Reduced price avail­able  — get in touch here to apply

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 24 participants


10 Hour Restorative Yoga Training

June 14th & 15th, 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

A Katon­ah Yoga based approach to phys­i­cal and men­tal recov­ery: We use proven shapes, prop set-ups, the breath and our imag­i­na­tion to reform the body and re-inform the prac­tice.


  • Sup­port­ed back­bends, inver­sions, folds and being in joint space.
  • Breath tech­niques for flu­id­i­ty and link­ing the dif­fer­ent prac­tice fragments.
  • Katon­ah yoga the­o­ry: Sea­sons, organs and inter­nal body mapping.
  • The archi­tec­ture of ther­a­peu­tic prop set-ups tak­ing body pro­por­tions into account.
  • Adjust­ing, self-adjust­ing and on how to pro­mote a sta­ble phys­i­cal structure.
  • Active Recov­ery for Ath­letes: Address­ing injuries and pro­mot­ing restoration.
  • Reg­u­lat­ing the ner­vous and endocrine sys­tem for bal­ance and wellbeing.
  • Embod­ied med­i­ta­tion. Embod­ied men­tal health.

You will feel a lot of good­ness in your body and take home effec­tive recipes for your­self, a friend or your stu­dents. This train­ing is open to yoga prac­ti­tion­ers and teach­ers, the curi­ous and every­one mind­ful of an orga­nized inte­ri­or.
10 hours count towards the Katon­ah Yoga cer­ti­fi­ca­tion program.

Com­plete man­u­al with the­o­ry and detailed prac­tice descrip­tions (will be sent as a PDF doc­u­ment).

Teacher: Reni Bick­el
Lan­guage: Eng­lish

Ear­ly Bird Price: CHF 290.00 (until March 01st, 2025)
Reg­u­lar Price: CHF 320.00
Sign up here

Arm Balance & Inversion Quest

March 2025 — Jan­u­ary 2026

Eine 6‑teilige Ver­tiefung für Yoga-Übende und — Lehrer*innen

In der Prax­is von Arm­bal­an­cen und Umkehrhal­tun­gen steckt eine tiefge­hende Auseinan­der­set­zung mit uns selb­st. Diese Asanas laden dazu ein, über kör­per­liche Gren­zen hin­auszuwach­sen und die eige­nen Äng­ste zu über­winden. Sie sind nicht nur kör­per­liche Her­aus­forderun­gen, son­dern auch Spiegel unser­er inneren Welt. Die Erfahrun­gen, die wir dabei machen, fördern unser Kör­per­be­wusst­sein, stärken unseren Geist und helfen uns, beweglich­er zu wer­den – physisch und psychisch. 

Mit dieser 6‑teiligen Ver­tiefung möcht­en wir dir eine struk­turi­erte Plat­tform bieten, um dich inten­siv mit diesen Asanas auseinan­derzuset­zen und somit deinen eige­nen inneren Dia­log zu fördern.

Zwis­chen März 2025 und Jan­u­ar 2026 tauchen wir in fol­gende The­men ein:

9. März 2025
Key Com­po­nents to find Bal­ance in your Hand­stand
Auf­bau der Grund­la­gen, um Sta­bil­ität und Leichtigkeit im Hand­stand zu finden.

6. Juli 2025
Build­ing on Fore­arms  — Pin­cha Mayurasana
Ver­tiefung der Vorarmhal­tun­gen und Verbindung zur Körpermitte.

10. August. 2025
Float with Ease: Dynam­ic Hand­stand Entrances
Ein Her­an­tas­ten, wie es sich anfühlt, dynamisch in den Hand­stand zu schweben. 

14. Sep­tem­ber 2025
Advanced Arm Bal­ances — Side­body & Splits
Kom­plexe Arm­bal­an­cen mit Fokus auf Lat­er­allinie und Spagat.

23. Novem­ber 2025
Hand­stand Press-Up — Work Smarter not Hard­er
Effizien­z­train­ing für Handstand-Press-Technik.

18.Januar 2026
Advanced Arm Bal­ances with a Twist
Diverse Vari­anten gedrehter Arm­bal­an­cen.

Alle 6 Ver­tiefun­gen: CHF 585.00
Einzelne Ver­tiefung: CHF 108.00

Max Strom — Breath to Heal — 4 Individual Workshops

Jun 20th-22nd, 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Heal­ing, psy­chol­o­gy, yoga, trau­ma, breath
4 indi­vid­ual ses­sions on dif­fer­ent topics. 

Home­page Max Strom

More Info com­ing soon


Angelo Cecchi, Usha Devi, and Siddharta Krishna 

July, August Sep­tem­ber 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Iyen­gar and phi­los­o­phy from Rishikesh, India
Var­i­ous long and short work­shops, teacher immer­sions, class­es and lec­tures

July — Week­end with Usha Devi
August —  5‑Day Immer­sion and teacher study mod­ule with Ange­lo Cec­chi
Sep­tem­ber - phi­los­o­phy, pranaya­ma, asana Week­end with Ange­lo and Siddharta 

More Info com­ing soon


Patrick Creelman — Wild Lotus Weekend Immersion

Oct 11th — 12th, 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Week­end Pro­gram with Patrick Creel­man from Pure Yoga — Hong Kong

First vis­it to Bern with a 4 ses­sion week­end format

More Info com­ing soon


Joan Hyman — Injury Management Training for Teachers

Nov 07th ‑09th, 2025
Svaru­pa Lorraine

Novem­ber 07th — 09th, 2025

From Brus­sels and USA, com­ing to Bern for the first time at svarupa


More Info com­ing soon