workshops and events
Restorative Yoga Masterclass/Workshop
Feb 01st, 2025
13:30 — 16:30
Svarupa Lorraine
Explore restorative prop setups designed to help you de-stress and deeply rejuvenate! With the support of yoga props, we’ll enhance body alignment to nourish tissues, organs, and glands. Slowing down and creating space for exploration will invite your mind and breath into a rich inner landscape, tapping into your body’s natural, intuitive processes.
In this 3‑hour Katonah Yoga deep dive, we’ll focus on therapeutic prop setups, hands-on adjustments, and imaginative practices. These techniques foster embodied awareness and help restore energy, offering a rich, mindful reset for both body and mind.
Teacher: Reni Bickel
Language: English
Price: CHF 75.00
Sign up here
Handstand Special Class — Level 1
February 13th, 2025, 18:00 — 19:30
Level One - learn to kick up to handstand against the wall
Join Lars for a fun class where you will start learning handstands and inversions. This special class is perfect if youre curious about handstands and want some proper guidance. A great opportunity to grow this aspect of the practice.
Use your Svarupa abo or drop in as a normal class.
Space is limited — max. 20 participants
Embodiment Lab — a laboratory for experience
Feb 15th, 2024
14:00 — 17:00
Svarupa Lorraine
This collaborative space does not focus on mastering specific techniques, but on evolving toward a richer understanding of our being to foster more genuine connections with both ourselves and that which is around us.
We come together to embark on a profound exploration through our body-instrument. Guided by an integrative blend of somatics, yoga, free movement, soundscapes and being in community we challenge our preconceived notions.
Each lab will provide a variety of practices and principles that encourage you to investigate, sense, question, express and unravel. We will engage in ways that refine our perception of the subtle shifts within our body-mind-heart. This is a format to leap into the new and strange while reconnecting with our deep inner knowing.
Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Language: German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 75.00
Reduced price available — get in touch here to apply
Space is limited — max. 24 participants
8‑Wochen Achtsamkeits Kurs
Feb 20th — Apr 10th, 2025
Svarupa Cave
mit Philipp Eyer — jeweils Donnerstags, 18:30 — 21:00
Während 8 Wochen treffen wir uns einmal wöchentlich um verschiedene Achtsamkeits-methoden kennenzulernen und zu üben, wie Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Atemübungen (Pranayama; Buteyko) und achtsame Bewegung (Yoga Asana und conscious movement).
Zudem werden wir gemeinsam erforschen, wie unser Nervensystem funktioniert, was „Stress“ in unserem Alltag bedeutet und welche Rolle der Vagusnerv dabei spielt.
Der Kurs basiert auf dem Modell des MBSR Mindfulness based Stress reduction Programm und soll die Teilnehmenden unterstützen während 8 Wochen eine tägliche kurze Selbst-Praxis zu entwickeln…
…neugierig geworden? Dann komm mit auf die 8 wöchige Reise zu mehr Achtsamkeit im Alltag!
Daten: 20.2./27.2./6.3./13.3./20.3./27.3./3.4./10.4.2025
Tages-Retreat: 23. oder 30.3. (9.00 – 16.00)
Sprache DE oder ENG (gemäss Teilnehmer)
Preis: 700.00 CHF (30% Rabatt mit KulturLegi)
Teilnehmer: 4 – 10
Fundamentals of Yoga
Feb 27th — Mar 27th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
the svarupa beginner course
If you always wanted to learn the basics that make coming to a Yoga class more useful, safe and interesting, we offer this simple Fundamental course in an easy and affordable format.
Handstand Special Class — Level 2
March 1st, 2025, 13:00 — 14:30
Level Two — build a plan to hold handstand on your own.
If you can already do a handstand against the wall, this special class will help you improve and hold it longer. We’ll work on techniques and exercises that make you stronger and more balanced. You’ll walk out of this class with a personalized training plan that will help you achieve your goal of holding a free handstand.
Use your Svarupa abo or drop in as a normal class.
Space is limited — max. 20 participants
THE BREATH by keur
March 14th, 2025
18:00 — 20:00
Svarupa Lorraine
THE BREATH at beautiful, spacious Svarupa Lorraine in Bern.
The Breath is a uniquely curated two hours breathwork experience that focuses on inner and outer explorations. keur combines a variety of impactful breathing exercises and techniques to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, opening the door to the magic within you. Click here for more information.
What to bring: Warm sweater, water bottle, a journal and and an eye pillow. We have Yoga mats and blankets on-site.
Teaching language: The primary language of instruction in our class is English, but we are also happy to provide guidance in German
Preparation: We recommend not to eat heavy meals before practicing breathing techniques. If you can, try to stop eating 90 minutes before the workshop. Carefully read through our FAQ. If you are pregnant or have any health conditions, please reach out to us.
Teacher: Manuela & Matthias
Price: CHF 79.00
Sign up here
Space is limited — max. 32 participants
Cleansing Week Spring 2025
March 13th — 23rd, 2025
according to traditional Ayurveda and Hatha Yoga
Spring is the time to release the winter Kapha and cleanse the physical and subtle channels of the body. The effect is a full body cleanse and mental reset. We offer this program Ayurveda based, with Pranayama, restorative Asanas and Meditation that are designed specifically for that process
A mono-diet based on Ayurvedic herbs and Kitcharee. Kitcharee is considered to have a cleansing effect on the digestive tract, giving the metabolism enough nutrition to do its daily duties and yet have enough pause from eating to let the system rest and to focus on elimination of old accumulated waste material. It restores the Agni (digestive fire) and brings brightness to the mind.
Self-guided Kriyas according to the supplied Manual
Morning sessions from 07.00 to 08.00 for guided Mantra, Pranayama, Meditation and restorative Asana. Some days include question and answer session afterwards (optional).
Detailed nutritional, herbal and dietary support throughout the week providing a proper entry, stability and proper exit-tapering from the week.
Ayurvedic Constitution (Dosha) Self-test to support individual needs
March 15
Meeting and Intro Practices including Q&A 08.30am
March 15 – 16
Preparation weekend using the Manual and video guidance
March 17 – 21
5 days of guided 60 min morning Pranayama, Meditation, Restoring Asana. (attend live, on zoom or watch recorded material at your convenience)
March 22 – 23
2 days of Tapering using the Manual and further guidance
195.00 CHF
Manual, video Recordings, guidance, 6 live practices (space is limited for Live instudio attendance)
108.00 CHF
for returning Students who have done this Cleanse with us in the past (write to Brigi)
Svarupa Teacher Training Groups 200H and 300H do this course for FREE
Language: English
Format: Online (you are welcome to join the morning sessions live at the svarūpa cave, recordings available in the content library until April 6th, 2025)
Mantra in Motion
March 22nd, 2025
14:30 — 17:00
Svarupa Lorraine
Mantra in Motion verbindet eine vertiefte Yogapraxis mit der Kraft des gemeinsamen Mantra Singens – ein Raum, in dem sich dein Körper-Herz-Geist vereinigen kann und dadurch das, was du in deiner Essenz bist, stärkt.
Jeder Gedanke, jede Intension, jedes Mantra setzt eine Ursache, die eine Wirkung hat. Kräfte, die unser Sein stärken, unser Leben ausbalancieren und neue Tore öffnen können.
So wie Asanas den Körper harmonisieren und stärken, sind Mantras eine Schlüsselpraxis für einen ruhigen, klaren Geist. Zusammen mit der Kraft des Klangs, führen sie uns zu unserer ureigenen Essenz, der Essenz des Seins an sich. Ein Zustand, in dem wir uns wieder erinnern können, was wirklich wichtig ist.
Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Language: German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 60.00
Sign up here
Reduced price available — get in touch here to apply
Space is limited — max. 24 participants
Embodiment Lab — a laboratory for experience
May 11th, 2024
14:00 — 17:00
Svarupa Lorraine
This collaborative space does not focus on mastering specific techniques, but on evolving toward a richer understanding of our being to foster more genuine connections with both ourselves and that which is around us.
We come together to embark on a profound exploration through our body-instrument. Guided by an integrative blend of somatics, yoga, free movement, soundscapes and being in community we challenge our preconceived notions.
Each lab will provide a variety of practices and principles that encourage you to investigate, sense, question, express and unravel. We will engage in ways that refine our perception of the subtle shifts within our body-mind-heart. This is a format to leap into the new and strange while reconnecting with our deep inner knowing.
Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Language: German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 75.00
Reduced price available — get in touch here to apply
Space is limited — max. 24 participants
10 Hour Restorative Yoga Training
June 14th & 15th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
A Katonah Yoga based approach to physical and mental recovery: We use proven shapes, prop set-ups, the breath and our imagination to reform the body and re-inform the practice.
- Supported backbends, inversions, folds and being in joint space.
- Breath techniques for fluidity and linking the different practice fragments.
- Katonah yoga theory: Seasons, organs and internal body mapping.
- The architecture of therapeutic prop set-ups taking body proportions into account.
- Adjusting, self-adjusting and on how to promote a stable physical structure.
- Active Recovery for Athletes: Addressing injuries and promoting restoration.
- Regulating the nervous and endocrine system for balance and wellbeing.
- Embodied meditation. Embodied mental health.
You will feel a lot of goodness in your body and take home effective recipes for yourself, a friend or your students. This training is open to yoga practitioners and teachers, the curious and everyone mindful of an organized interior.
10 hours count towards the Katonah Yoga certification program.
Complete manual with theory and detailed practice descriptions (will be sent as a PDF document).
Teacher: Reni Bickel
Language: English
Early Bird Price: CHF 290.00 (until March 01st, 2025)
Regular Price: CHF 320.00
Sign up here
Arm Balance & Inversion Quest
March 2025 — January 2026
Eine 6‑teilige Vertiefung für Yoga-Übende und — Lehrer*innen
In der Praxis von Armbalancen und Umkehrhaltungen steckt eine tiefgehende Auseinandersetzung mit uns selbst. Diese Asanas laden dazu ein, über körperliche Grenzen hinauszuwachsen und die eigenen Ängste zu überwinden. Sie sind nicht nur körperliche Herausforderungen, sondern auch Spiegel unserer inneren Welt. Die Erfahrungen, die wir dabei machen, fördern unser Körperbewusstsein, stärken unseren Geist und helfen uns, beweglicher zu werden – physisch und psychisch.
Mit dieser 6‑teiligen Vertiefung möchten wir dir eine strukturierte Plattform bieten, um dich intensiv mit diesen Asanas auseinanderzusetzen und somit deinen eigenen inneren Dialog zu fördern.
Zwischen März 2025 und Januar 2026 tauchen wir in folgende Themen ein:
9. März 2025
Key Components to find Balance in your Handstand
Aufbau der Grundlagen, um Stabilität und Leichtigkeit im Handstand zu finden.
6. Juli 2025
Building on Forearms — Pincha Mayurasana
Vertiefung der Vorarmhaltungen und Verbindung zur Körpermitte.
10. August. 2025
Float with Ease: Dynamic Handstand Entrances
Ein Herantasten, wie es sich anfühlt, dynamisch in den Handstand zu schweben.
14. September 2025
Advanced Arm Balances — Sidebody & Splits
Komplexe Armbalancen mit Fokus auf Laterallinie und Spagat.
23. November 2025
Handstand Press-Up — Work Smarter not Harder
Effizienztraining für Handstand-Press-Technik.
18.Januar 2026
Advanced Arm Balances with a Twist
Diverse Varianten gedrehter Armbalancen.
Alle 6 Vertiefungen: CHF 585.00
Einzelne Vertiefung: CHF 108.00
Max Strom — Breath to Heal — 4 Individual Workshops
Jun 20th-22nd, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
Healing, psychology, yoga, trauma, breath
4 individual sessions on different topics.
More Info coming soon
Angelo Cecchi, Usha Devi, and Siddharta Krishna
July, August September 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
Iyengar and philosophy from Rishikesh, India
Various long and short workshops, teacher immersions, classes and lectures
July — Weekend with Usha Devi
August — 5‑Day Immersion and teacher study module with Angelo Cecchi
September - philosophy, pranayama, asana Weekend with Angelo and Siddharta
More Info coming soon
Patrick Creelman — Wild Lotus Weekend Immersion
Oct 11th — 12th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
Weekend Program with Patrick Creelman from Pure Yoga — Hong Kong
First visit to Bern with a 4 session weekend format
More Info coming soon
Joan Hyman — Injury Management Training for Teachers
Nov 07th ‑09th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
November 07th — 09th, 2025
From Brussels and USA, coming to Bern for the first time at svarupa
More Info coming soon