events & classes

masterclasses, workshops & trainings


Bhakti Jam

Sep 19th, 2024
18:30 — 20:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Sep­tem­ber, 19th, 2024 — 18:30 to 20:00

Our month­ly Bhak­ti Jam is a chance to join togeth­er, play music for the divine, dance, chant and feel the devo­tion­al bha­vana. Dona­tion based for diverse projects.

Reg­is­ter here for free

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training ATT 24/25

Sep 2024 — Aug 2025
Svaru­pa Yoga, Bern

Svarū­pa Advanced Yoga Teacher Train­ing 24/25 at Svarū­pa in Berne (CH).

This is a Sad­hana and an Education/Teacher Train­ing for Yoga teach­ers and expe­ri­enced stu­dents that want an in-depth explo­ration, edu­ca­tion and per­son­al growth in the tra­di­tions of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the gen­er­al term applied to any prac­tices of Yoga that involve Asanas, Pranaya­ma (breath­work), Med­i­ta­tion, Kriyas (inner cleans­ing), Mudras, Devo­tion and the under­ly­ing Philoso­phies for approach­ing an inner and out­er life.

The Svarū­pa Advanced Yoga Teacher Train­ing (AYT) gives stu­dents a Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram in prac­tices of the Mod­ern and Ancient Hatha Tra­di­tion.

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Headstand Workshop

Sep 28th, 2024
14:00 — 16:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Sep­tem­ber, 28th, 2024 — 14:00 to 16:00

Learn the basic archi­tec­ture of Sir­sasana (head­stand), how to build a sol­id foun­da­tion in order to, step by step, find sta­bil­i­ty and ease in its basic alignment.

This work­shop is designed for stu­dents which seek safe tech­niques and strate­gies to work towards this pose, yet also for the expe­ri­enced stu­dent intend­ing to refine and align the inner compass.

Price: CHF 50.00
Book here

Teacher: Bri­gi Thomas-Moog
Lan­guage: Swiss German

This immer­sion is in stu­dio only - space is lim­it­ed (max. 14 students)


Breathwork Session

Oct 18th, 2024
19:00 — 21:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Octo­ber, 18th, 2024 — 19:00 to 21:00

Con­scious con­nect­ed breath­ing is a dynam­ic and pro­found prac­tice that helps to release ten­sion and block­ages on var­i­ous lev­els and to recharge your bat­ter­ies. The ses­sions are struc­tured in a trau­ma-con­scious way and are accom­pa­nied by bodywork.

Bewusstes ver­bun­denes Atmen ist eine dynamis­che und tief­greifende Prax­is, welche hil­ft, Span­nun­gen und Block­aden auf ver­schiede­nen Ebe­nen zu lösen und neue Energie zu tanken. Die Ses­sions sind traum­abe­wusst aufge­baut und wer­den durch Kör­per­ar­beit begleit­et.

Teacher: Ani­ta Jet­zer
Lan­guage: Swiss Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 60.00
Sign up here

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 20 participants

Bhakti Jam

Oct 24th, 2024
18:30 — 20:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Octo­ber, 24th, 2024 — 18:30 to 20:00

Our month­ly Bhak­ti Jam is a chance to join togeth­er, play music for the divine, dance, chant and feel the devo­tion­al bha­vana. Dona­tion based for diverse projects.

Reg­is­ter here for free

Foundation Yoga Teacher Training FTT 24/25

Oct 2024 — May 2025
Svaru­pa Yoga, Bern

Svarū­pa Foun­da­tion Yoga Teacher Train­ing 24/25 at Svarū­pa in Berne (CH).

This is an Education/Training for Yoga stu­dents that want an in-depth explo­ration, edu­ca­tion and per­son­al growth in the tra­di­tions of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the gen­er­al term applied to any prac­tices of Yoga that involve Asanas, Pranaya­ma (breath­work), Med­i­ta­tion, Kriyas (inner cleans­ing), Mudras, Devo­tion and the under­ly­ing Philoso­phies for approach­ing an inner and out­er life.

Read more


Bhakti Jam

Nov 21st, 2024
18:30 — 20:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Novem­ber, 21st, 2024 — 18:30 to 20:00

Our month­ly Bhak­ti Jam is a chance to join togeth­er, play music for the divine, dance, chant and feel the devo­tion­al bha­vana. Dona­tion based for diverse projects.

Reg­is­ter here for free

Breathwork Session

Nov 23rd, 2024
16:00 — 18:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Novem­ber, 23rd, 2024 — 16:00 to 18:00

Con­scious con­nect­ed breath­ing is a dynam­ic and pro­found prac­tice that helps to release ten­sion and block­ages on var­i­ous lev­els and to recharge your bat­ter­ies. The ses­sions are struc­tured in a trau­ma-con­scious way and are accom­pa­nied by bodywork.

Bewusstes ver­bun­denes Atmen ist eine dynamis­che und tief­greifende Prax­is, welche hil­ft, Span­nun­gen und Block­aden auf ver­schiede­nen Ebe­nen zu lösen und neue Energie zu tanken. Die Ses­sions sind traum­abe­wusst aufge­baut und wer­den durch Kör­per­ar­beit begleit­et.

Teacher: Ani­ta Jet­zer
Lan­guage: Swiss Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 60.00
Sign up here

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 20 participants


Bhakti Jam

Dec 12th, 2024
18:30 — 20:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Decem­ber, 12th, 2024 — 18:30 to 20:00

Our month­ly Bhak­ti Jam is a chance to join togeth­er, play music for the divine, dance, chant and feel the devo­tion­al bha­vana. Dona­tion based for diverse projects.

Reg­is­ter here for free

Breathwork Session

Dec 29th, 2024
16:00 — 18:00
Svarū­pa Lorraine

Decem­ber, 29th, 2024 — 16:00 to 18:00

Con­scious con­nect­ed breath­ing is a dynam­ic and pro­found prac­tice that helps to release ten­sion and block­ages on var­i­ous lev­els and to recharge your bat­ter­ies. The ses­sions are struc­tured in a trau­ma-con­scious way and are accom­pa­nied by bodywork.

Bewusstes ver­bun­denes Atmen ist eine dynamis­che und tief­greifende Prax­is, welche hil­ft, Span­nun­gen und Block­aden auf ver­schiede­nen Ebe­nen zu lösen und neue Energie zu tanken. Die Ses­sions sind traum­abe­wusst aufge­baut und wer­den durch Kör­per­ar­beit begleit­et.

Teacher: Ani­ta Jet­zer
Lan­guage: Swiss Ger­man (or Eng­lish if required)

Price: CHF 60.00
Sign up here

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 20 participants