foundation yoga teacher training

This is an Education/Training for Yoga stu­dents that want an in-depth explo­ration, edu­ca­tion and per­son­al growth in the tra­di­tions of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the gen­er­al term applied to any prac­tices of Yoga that involve Asanas, Pranaya­ma (breath­work), Med­i­ta­tion, Kriyas (inner cleans­ing), Mudras, Devo­tion and the under­ly­ing Philoso­phies for approach­ing an inner and out­er life.

The Svarū­pa Foun­da­tion Yoga Teacher Train­ing gives stu­dents an in-depth study and prac­tice of the Hatha Tra­di­tion. Asana is pre­sent­ed in dynam­ic form but with an under­stand­ing of align­ment, mod­i­fi­ca­tions and adjustments.

Restorative/Therapy Asana, Pranaya­ma and Med­i­ta­tion form a sec­ondary sup­port in the Train­ing. The stu­dent will learn both tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern tech­niques. The con­tent of the course, final assess­ment and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion gives stu­dents a foun­da­tion lev­el cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to teach Yoga.

The con­tent of this Train­ing covers:

  • Lev­el One Syl­labus of Asana (Dynam­ic Asana and Restora­tive Asana)
  • Intro­duc­tion and Foun­da­tion of Pranaya­mas and Kriyas
  • Foun­da­tion of Meditation
  • Intro­duc­tion to the Subtle/Energetic Body
  • Basic Sequenc­ing of Asana
  • Work­ing with com­mon chal­lenges and spe­cial conditions
  • Intro­duc­tion to work­ing with Ayurveda
  • Lev­el 1 Func­tion­al Anato­my in rela­tion to Yoga Asana
  • Mantra and Devo­tion­al Practice
  • Teach­ing Methodologies
  • Yoga Phi­los­o­phy Introduction


Stephen Thomas

Asana, Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion, Philosophy

Céline Ryf

Asana, Mantra, Phi­los­o­phy

Chris Eggenschwiler

Anato­my, Asana

Brigi Thomas-Moog

Ayurve­da, Asana, Restora­tive Asana


Mod­ule One — Octo­ber, Fri 25 — Sun 27

Mod­ule Two — Novem­ber, Fri 29 — Decem­ber, Sun 01

Mod­ule Three — Dig­i­tal — pre-record­ed and video guid­ed
Since Decem­ber is a busy month for many, we pre­pare videos to fol­low with med­i­ta­tions, breath­work and asana, some small read­ing assignments.

Mod­ule Four
 — Jan­u­ary, Fri 10 — Sun 12

Mod­ule Five — Feb­ru­ary, Fri 21 — Sun 23

Mod­ule Six — March, Fri 28 — Sun 30

Mod­ule Sev­en — May, Fri 02 — Sun 04

The cours­es take place at Svarū­pa Yoga in Berne (Switzer­land)

Weekend Modules / Hourly Dates

Fri­days are always half days begin­ning at 14.30 and fin­ish­ing at 19.30
Sat­ur­days and Sun­days are always 8.00 — 11.30 and 13.00 to 17.00

Addi­tion­al Mod­ule (Option­al)
March 17 – 23, 2025
This is an impor­tant week of learn­ing Ayurvedic prin­ci­ples, doing a week of cleans­ing (guid­ed with a Man­u­al) morn­ing pranaya­ma & med­i­ta­tions which you can join in the stu­dio, live on ZOOM from your home, or record­ed at your con­ve­nience. You can cus­tomize this week to suit your sched­ule, your dosha and your lifestyle. High­ly useful.

Requisites 200HR Yoga Alliance Certification

A. 145 con­tact hours over 7 mod­ules (must take Ayurve­da Spring Mod­ule)
B. 10 manda­to­ry Thurs­day morn­ing class­es between Oct 31, 2024 and May 29, 2025 (Stu­dent can choose which class­es) >15 hours
C. Record­ings > 10 hours
D Two obser­va­tion class­es (stu­dents observes and doc­u­ments 2 pub­lic class­es)
E. Com­ple­tion of writ­ten exam 2 hours (one after­noon TBD, sched­uled pri­or to Mod­ule 7)
F. Three class­es to be offered between May 5 and Aug 31, 2025 (these are free class­es offered in the com­mu­ni­ty, to fam­i­ly, to friends, or in a studio/centre, etc)

Special Note

This train­ing is deep and trans­for­ma­tive and requires that stu­dents have a rea­son­able amount of expe­ri­ence doing Yoga. A min­i­mum of 2 – 3 years of prac­tice is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. Stu­dents will learn and trans­form their Asana prac­tice, but they should also have an inter­est in the seat­ed and inward prac­tices of Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion and Phi­los­o­phy (for­mal expe­ri­ence is not required, but a desire to learn this is essen­tial). Yoga can be a life chang­ing prac­tice. It can bring joy and feel very bright and light, yet because it is also a heal­ing prac­tice, it can be chal­leng­ing at times. The jour­ney is safe and care­ful­ly pre­sent­ed, but stu­dents must come ready to explore and dive in deep.

Fees, Application & Further Questions