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Open House for Svarūpa Lorraine

August, 31st, 2024 — 15:00 — open end

Come and cel­e­brate with us the new stu­dio at See­landweg 7, 3013 Bern

15.00 Asana, Mantra & Med­i­ta­tion with Stephen and Friends
16.30 Apero (Veg Indi­an) as long as it lasts…
18.00 Con­cert (clas­si­cal Indi­an)
18.45 chill with us as long as you like…

Just drop by (** the Asana class is lim­it­ed to first 40 peo­ple — please reg­is­ter here).

For the Apero and Con­cert no reg­is­tra­tion required and we can han­dle lots of peo­ple — just come by and say 👋 hi . All events offered free. But you’re wel­come to donate any amount small or large to help build and sup­port this project.