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Jun 20 - 22, 2025

Living with Purpose — a weekend with Max Strom

What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live with­out anx­i­ety and con­stant stress? What would you do if you could sleep like you used to sleep when you were a child the whole night and feel refreshed when you wake up? What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live with more mean­ing, not only for you but for your fam­i­ly? You know there is a bet­ter way to live then you are liv­ing now. To live with pur­pose is the goal of near­ly every­one but so few know how to achieve it. 

Join Max Strom for a week­end that will teach you how to restore your­self and help you iden­ti­fy your life pur­pose. Bring writ­ing materials. 

Fri­day, June 20th — 18:30 to 21:30
A Life Worth Breath­ing
3 hours — all lev­els — lec­ture and move­ment

This spe­cial event is focused on trans­form­ing depres­sion into inspi­ra­tion and anx­i­ety into calm.  Max’s work is known for its heal­ing, pen­e­trat­ing affect, leav­ing stu­dents feel­ing renewed and open.  The work­shop begins with a talk by Max based on ideas from his book of the same title. This will be fol­lowed by the inte­gra­tion of breath­ing exer­cis­es and yoga move­ment.  The final seg­ment of the work­shop will focus on seat­ed breath­ing exer­cis­es to revi­tal­ize and inspire your body, your emo­tions, and your life.

Sat­ur­day, June 21st — 10.00 to 14.00
Releas­ing and Heal­ing our Emo­tion­al Body through Pos­tures and Breath-work
2 hours — move­ment-based sem­i­nar — all lev­els

It is said that the human being has a pow­er­ful guid­ing voice with­in; it is the voice of our intu­ition and wis­dom.  But this voice is com­mon­ly drowned out by the noise in our mind.  The noise is often caused from chaot­ic or con­gest­ed emo­tions from stress, depres­sion, PTS, or anx­i­ety.  In this work­shop we will begin with a talk by Max, then move into a gen­tle breath-ini­ti­at­ed move­ment sequence.  The sec­ond half of the work­shop will focus on floor pos­tures and breath-work to release the mind and body from long-held emo­tions that impede our hap­pi­ness and our abil­i­ty to sleep well. Bring your mat and writ­ing materials.

Sat­ur­day, June 21st — 14:00 to 16:00
Some Doors Open Only from the Inside
2 hours — breath­work and lec­ture — all lev­els

“Gen­uine­ly life-chang­ing.”
“Turn­ing point in my life.”
“Major break­through.”
“High­ly val­ued cat­a­lyst in my ther­a­py process.“

Just a few of numer­ous com­ments of peo­ple who have expe­ri­enced a ses­sion of pow­er­ful breath­work with Max Strom. There’s a time for the­o­ry, and there’s a time to let our breath work for us and go beyond what we can ratio­nal­ly grasp to release our con­gest­ed emo­tions from stress, depres­sion, anx­i­ety, or PTS. Emo­tions affect our breath­ing, for exam­ple: cry­ing and laugh­ing. But did you know that chang­ing the pat­tern of our breath­ing influ­ences our emo­tions? An inno­v­a­tive method, sim­ple tech­niques, and incred­i­ble results. The prac­tices you will learn in this work­shop take you to a calm and inspired state with new depths of insight. This work­shop will include lec­ture, stand­ing and seat­ed breath­ing exer­cis­es. Bring writ­ing mate­ri­als. (not advised if you are pregnant)

Sun­day, June 22nd — 10:00 to 12:30
Find Your Life Pur­pose
2.5 hours — lec­ture and writ­ing

Join Max for an inspir­ing and insight­ful talk and a con­cise course in essen­tial steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life pur­pose.

Known for his depth per­cep­tion and insight into the human expe­ri­ence, this sem­i­nar offers an inspir­ing and insight­ful talk by Max, fol­lowed by a con­cise course in essen­tial steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life pur­pose. The insight you will gain can­not be pur­chased or found in a book, uni­ver­si­ty, or web­site. This spe­cial sem­i­nar will help you to see your world dif­fer­ent­ly, and even course-cor­rect the tra­jec­to­ry of your life course. Be sure to bring writ­ing mate­ri­als.

Are you pre­pared for suc­cess? (Do you believe that you deserve it?)
If you have suc­cess, do you have mean­ing?
Reveal­ing your blind side, your gifts and pur­pose
Reverse-Engi­neer­ing your pur­pose
Dis­tin­guish­ing hap­pi­ness and mean­ing
The rela­tion­ship between lead­er­ship and pur­pose
Pri­ma­ry resources – Time vs. mon­ey
Recal­i­brate and course-cor­rect

Don’t miss the chance to learn from one of today’s fore­most teach­ers of well­ness, find­ing mean­ing in the dig­i­tal age, and breath-based movement.

Max Strom was born with severe clubbed feet and spent much of the first nine years with his feet con­fined in plas­ter casts or braces. Today he is a renowned speak­er, author and breath­work teacher, and has ded­i­cat­ed over 30 years to suc­cess­ful­ly guid­ing indi­vid­u­als toward emo­tion­al heal­ing, self-dis­cov­ery, and trans­for­ma­tion. With his trans­for­ma­tive Breathe to Heal method, Max offers high­ly impact­ful tech­niques that not only alle­vi­ate anx­i­ety, pan­ic attacks and sleep issues, but also cat­alyze pro­found shifts in indi­vid­u­als and their rela­tion­ships.

Max cap­ti­vates audi­ences world­wide with his empow­er­ing keynote address­es and has pre­sent­ed four impact­ful TEDx Talks, includ­ing the viral Breathe to Heal with 3.9 mil­lion YouTube views. His books, There is No App for Hap­pi­ness and A Life Worth Breath­ing, res­onate inter­na­tion­al­ly, with his third book on the hori­zon.

Redi­rect your life’s jour­ney with Max’s in-per­son cours­es and train­ings, his livestream work­shops and his online video and audio cours­es. Breathe into new insights, release the chains of sup­pressed pain and trau­ma, and become part of a trans­for­ma­tive move­ment. Dis­cov­er more at – your gate­way towards a life of mean­ing and pur­pose. Max teach­es in English.

Sin­gle Ses­sions
- 2.0h: CHF 55.00
- 2.5h: CHF 65.00
- 3.0h: CHF 75.00

Full Pack­age CHF 225.00
