What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live without anxiety and constant stress? What would you do if you could sleep like you used to sleep when you were a child the whole night and feel refreshed when you wake up? What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live with more meaning, not only for you but for your family? You know there is a better way to live then you are living now. To live with purpose is the goal of nearly everyone but so few know how to achieve it.
Join Max Strom for a weekend that will teach you how to restore yourself and help you identify your life purpose. Bring writing materials.

Friday, June 20th — 18:30 to 21:30
A Life Worth Breathing
3 hours — all levels — lecture and movement
This special event is focused on transforming depression into inspiration and anxiety into calm. Max’s work is known for its healing, penetrating affect, leaving students feeling renewed and open. The workshop begins with a talk by Max based on ideas from his book of the same title. This will be followed by the integration of breathing exercises and yoga movement. The final segment of the workshop will focus on seated breathing exercises to revitalize and inspire your body, your emotions, and your life.
Saturday, June 21st — 10.00 to 14.00
Releasing and Healing our Emotional Body through Postures and Breath-work
2 hours — movement-based seminar — all levels
It is said that the human being has a powerful guiding voice within; it is the voice of our intuition and wisdom. But this voice is commonly drowned out by the noise in our mind. The noise is often caused from chaotic or congested emotions from stress, depression, PTS, or anxiety. In this workshop we will begin with a talk by Max, then move into a gentle breath-initiated movement sequence. The second half of the workshop will focus on floor postures and breath-work to release the mind and body from long-held emotions that impede our happiness and our ability to sleep well. Bring your mat and writing materials.
Saturday, June 21st — 14:00 to 16:00
Some Doors Open Only from the Inside
2 hours — breathwork and lecture — all levels
“Genuinely life-changing.”
“Turning point in my life.”
“Major breakthrough.”
“Highly valued catalyst in my therapy process.“
Just a few of numerous comments of people who have experienced a session of powerful breathwork with Max Strom. There’s a time for theory, and there’s a time to let our breath work for us and go beyond what we can rationally grasp to release our congested emotions from stress, depression, anxiety, or PTS. Emotions affect our breathing, for example: crying and laughing. But did you know that changing the pattern of our breathing influences our emotions? An innovative method, simple techniques, and incredible results. The practices you will learn in this workshop take you to a calm and inspired state with new depths of insight. This workshop will include lecture, standing and seated breathing exercises. Bring writing materials. (not advised if you are pregnant)
Sunday, June 22nd — 10:00 to 12:30
Find Your Life Purpose
2.5 hours — lecture and writing
Join Max for an inspiring and insightful talk and a concise course in essential steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life purpose.
Known for his depth perception and insight into the human experience, this seminar offers an inspiring and insightful talk by Max, followed by a concise course in essential steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life purpose. The insight you will gain cannot be purchased or found in a book, university, or website. This special seminar will help you to see your world differently, and even course-correct the trajectory of your life course. Be sure to bring writing materials.
Are you prepared for success? (Do you believe that you deserve it?)
If you have success, do you have meaning?
Revealing your blind side, your gifts and purpose
Reverse-Engineering your purpose
Distinguishing happiness and meaning
The relationship between leadership and purpose
Primary resources – Time vs. money
Recalibrate and course-correct
Don’t miss the chance to learn from one of today’s foremost teachers of wellness, finding meaning in the digital age, and breath-based movement.

Max Strom was born with severe clubbed feet and spent much of the first nine years with his feet confined in plaster casts or braces. Today he is a renowned speaker, author and breathwork teacher, and has dedicated over 30 years to successfully guiding individuals toward emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation. With his transformative Breathe to Heal method, Max offers highly impactful techniques that not only alleviate anxiety, panic attacks and sleep issues, but also catalyze profound shifts in individuals and their relationships.
Max captivates audiences worldwide with his empowering keynote addresses and has presented four impactful TEDx Talks, including the viral Breathe to Heal with 3.9 million YouTube views. His books, There is No App for Happiness and A Life Worth Breathing, resonate internationally, with his third book on the horizon.
Redirect your life’s journey with Max’s in-person courses and trainings, his livestream workshops and his online video and audio courses. Breathe into new insights, release the chains of suppressed pain and trauma, and become part of a transformative movement. Discover more at www.maxstrom.com – your gateway towards a life of meaning and purpose. Max teaches in English.
Single Sessions
- 2.0h: CHF 55.00
- 2.5h: CHF 65.00
- 3.0h: CHF 75.00
Full Package CHF 225.00