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Mar 14, 2025 18:00 - 20:00

THE BREATH by keur

THE BREATH at beau­ti­ful, spa­cious Svaru­pa Lor­raine in Bern.

The Breath is a unique­ly curat­ed two hours breath­work expe­ri­ence that focus­es on inner and out­er explo­rations. keur com­bines a vari­ety of impact­ful breath­ing exer­cis­es and tech­niques to pro­mote phys­i­cal, men­tal, and emo­tion­al well-being, open­ing the door to the mag­ic with­in you. Click here for more information.

What to bring: Warm sweater, water bot­tle, a jour­nal and and an eye pil­low. We have Yoga mats and blan­kets on-site.

Teach­ing lan­guage: The pri­ma­ry lan­guage of instruc­tion in our class is Eng­lish, but we are also hap­py to pro­vide guid­ance in Ger­man

Prepa­ra­tion: We rec­om­mend not to eat heavy meals before prac­tic­ing breath­ing tech­niques. If you can, try to stop eat­ing 90 min­utes before the work­shop. Care­ful­ly read through our FAQ. If you are preg­nant or have any health con­di­tions, please reach out to us.

Teacher: Manuela & Matthias

Price: CHF 79.00

Space is lim­it­ed — max. 32 participants