I can’t recommend Stephen’s classes enough! If you really want to know what Yoga is all about even beyond asana, take classes or even better trainings with him or/and his wife Brigi who specializes in Ayurveda. I have seldom met a teacher with so much profound knowledge about traditional Yoga and it’s depths than Stephen. Also, to me, he walks his talk and teaches with much humility, profound wisdom, love & passion for Yoga & Ayurveda as a holistic system. He has so much to give and offers a lot of patience for his students. He is keen to answer all questions thoroughly whether he teaches experienced practitioners or students at a beginner level. A special highlight for me was his Pranayama Teacher Training; I am sure this can’t be found elsewhere in so much depth and abundance!
Ich kann Stephen’s Klassen nicht genug lobpreisen! Wenn Du wirklich wissen willst was Yoga über Asana hinaus bedeutet, dann empfehle ich wärmstens, seine Klassen oder noch besser ein Teacher Training zu buchen. Selten bin ich so einem versierten Lehrer begegnet mit soviel profundem Wissen über Yoga als Lebensweg in all seinen ganzeitlichen Facetten, zu welchen auch Ayurveda gehört. Stephen unterrichtet mit einer unglaublichen Bescheidenheit und man spürt seine Liebe und Passion für den Yogaweg und seine Achtung der Tradition in ihrem ganzen Spektrum. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich noch, dass für mich sein Pranayama Teacher Training ein herausragendes Erlebnis war; das gibt es wohl nirgendwo in dieser Fülle und Tiefe zu finden!!
Lisa A.
Stephen versteht es, sein profundes Wissen über ein so subtiles Thema wie Pranayama erlebbar zu machen und bildhaft verständlich zu erklären. Es ist eine wahre Freude seinen Lektionen beizuwohnen!
Die Stunden sind kurzweilig und lehrreich und das Rahmenprogramm so gestaltet, dass ich mich auch zwischen den Lektionen begleitet fühle. Das Online-Konzept gibt mir die Freiheit, das gelernte jederzeit zu wiederholen und bei Terminengpässen die Flexibilität, die Lektion frei zu planen. Dies schätze ich wirklich sehr.
Stephen knows how to bring his profound knowledge of such a subtle subject as pranayama to life and explain it in a visually understandable way. It is a real pleasure to attend his lessons!
The lessons are entertaining and informative and the supporting program is designed in such a way that I feel accompanied between the lessons. The online concept gives me the freedom to repeat what I have learned at any time and the flexibility to plan the lesson as I wish if there are scheduling bottlenecks. I really appreciate this.
Christa M.
I took part in the Teacher Training Course which ended in November 2023. Spread out over 6 months, the modules covered a well-balanced mix of asana, pranayama, meditation (including mantra chanting), philosophy, and anatomy. We established strong foundations with deep, steady, mindful work. We built on top of that to explore ourselves as teachers. It felt like a journey unto ourselves to deepen our understanding of what walking the yogic path means. An invitation to explore what sharing that path with the world might look like.
I’m full of gratitude for having taken part in the course. Stephen’s knowledge, passion and experience permeated the whole course. His capacity to create an engaging learning environment and his ability to teach from a heartfelt, compassionate place are a rare find. In a world where everyone seems to think faster and harder is better, Stephen’s emphasis on slow, conscious work is a breath of fresh air. Each of the teachers that participated in the course brought tremendous depth and intimacy with the practice. It was inspiring and humbling to be part of this training.
Youv N.
In the summer 2021, I decided to revive a yoga practice that I had started many years ago but not really progressed. By chance, I found a summer immersion led by Stephen and I decided to apply. I did not know at that time that it was the start of a deep journey in the multiple dimensions of Yoga guided by Stephen. I learned so much during the practices in the studio and online. As another participants said, I like the way my body and mind feel after each practice.
The 250h Teacher Training and now the Pranamaya TT enabled me to deepen my understanding of yoga, its philosophical basis and techniques to a level where I can start explaining them to others. My biggest motivation to continue on that path is the journey itself full of potentiality to unlock through repeated practice and study, understanding new subtleties, and feeling more peaceful and fulfilled. I am filled with gratitude for the teaching and support I have received on this path.
Pierre-Emmanuel B.
Stephen verfügt über ein fundiertes Wissen und eine umfassende Erfahrung in Yoga, Pranayama und der ganzheitlichen Yoga-Philosophie. Er vermittelt seine Lehre mit solch einer Demut, Leichtigkeit und Offenheit, dass sie für jeden zugänglich ist. Stephen schafft eine Atmosphäre, in der jeder willkommen ist, unabhängig von Hintergrund oder Erfahrung. Seine Empathie spiegelt sich in seiner Fähigkeit wider, sich in die Bedürfnisse seiner Schüler*innen einzufühlen und individuelle Wege zu finden, um ihnen zu helfen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Seine ruhige und reflektierte Art schafft Raum für meine persönliche und spirituelle Entwicklung. Stephen ist nicht nur ein Lehrer, sondern auch ein Wegweiser auf dem Weg zu innerer Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit. Seine Stunden aus Asanas, Pranayama und Meditation sind auch eine Reise zur Selbstentdeckung und Achtsamkeit. Mit Stephen habe ich einen aussergewöhnlichen Mentor mit Herz und Verständnis gefunden. Ich bin dankbar für diese wundervollen, inspirierenden Erfahrungen, die ich mit Stephen seit 2019 bereits machen durfte und ich freue mich auf alles, was noch kommen darf – trust the process – seine Worte, die mich täglich begleiten und Vertrauen schenken.
Stephen taught me a clean and therefore stable, but still transforming practice. The clarity of his work and the beauty of the traditional hatha yoga practices he uses create a solid fundament for my own practice. Stephens dedication to Yoga and his knowledge is not just noticeable but also experienced and I recommend his work with all of my heart.
If you’re thinking about doing a YTT with Stephen, I highly recommend it!
I have been practicing with him for over 10 years, in many classes, on some immersions, various retreats and an ATT and I always learn something new. Stephen practices and teaches yoga with such dedication and love that you leave the mat feeling satisfied, fulfilled and inspired every time.
Whether it’s online or offline, Stephen has that magic, that spark that ignites. Here you will find deep roots and can build or deepen a wonderful foundation. In asana, or in the subtle practice of pranayama, with everything that goes with it. For yourself and then to pass it on.
OM & Thankful
Susanne K