mission statement

The idea of svaru­pa is to cre­ate a place for peo­ple to gath­er and prac­tice in the spir­it of joy, rit­u­al, health and personal/community growth but with­out spir­i­tu­al mate­ri­al­ism or sep­a­ra­tion from oth­ers.  For teach­ers, we hope to offer a home and com­mu­ni­ty to share work and inspi­ra­tions, where the wis­dom from var­i­ous tra­di­tions can be explored with­out cre­at­ing dog­ma and rigid orga­ni­za­tions. Old ideas and new ideas can play under the same roof. 
Free­dom is found in spaces where indi­vid­u­als feel empow­ered to express their own heart and mind and where the resources and work can be shared. To find a place where inter-depen­dence is cel­e­brat­ed rather than com­pe­ti­tion. Build­ing this kind of envi­ron­ment is a mov­ing tar­get — it takes a vision but also a will­ing­ness to be imper­fect. It takes patience and tol­er­ance. We try to build some­thing here that feels use­ful in the com­mu­ni­ty. We wel­come your ideas and ener­gy in that project.



Stu­dio Man­ag­er
& Yoga Teacher


Direc­tor YOGA Pro­gram
& TEacher trainings


Plat­form Respon­si­ble
& TYM Facilitator


We oper­ate inde­pen­dent­ly to main­tain our vision for the integri­ty of a stu­dio. When you’re inspired to donate small or large, we take those funds and invest direct­ly in the stu­dios to make them a bet­ter place to prac­tice. We buy great books for the library, sound tools, we stock our props for doing bet­ter ther­a­peu­tic work, and also we offer to stu­dents that need sup­port for train­ing and our teacher development

We make a thank you list of peo­ple that help and share about how the funds are used. You can also donate anony­mous­ly. Thanks!