svarupa academy

One of the pri­ma­ry func­tions of Svaru­pa is to offer high qual­i­ty Train­ings, Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion, Immer­sions and Work­shops to the community. 

Beginners Course — Fundamentals of Yoga

If you always want­ed to learn the basics that make com­ing to a Yoga class more use­ful, safe and inter­est­ing, we offer this sim­ple Fun­da­men­tal course in an easy and afford­able format.

Foundation Teacher Training

Ready to take the next step? After some years in the prac­tice, there is a desire to real­ly study and expe­ri­ence. Embark on a 6 month per­son­al jour­ney and have all the skills need­ed to teach basic class­es or con­tin­ue into more stud­ies in var­i­ous fields.

Advanced Training for Teachers and Experienced Students

You already teach or you don’t teach but have com­plet­ed a teacher training(s) and want to study more. This mod­u­lar pro­gram will take your prac­tice to high­er lev­el and sup­port the devel­op­ment of your teach­ing. Learn with excel­lent resources, fac­ul­ty and ben­e­fit from the growth that is part of work­ing with in a com­mu­ni­ty of peo­ple.  This is the spir­it of our advanced/continuing edu­ca­tion pro­gram. You can shape the pro­gram accord­ing to your needs.

Study Pranayama and Breath

One of the most fas­ci­nat­ing aspects of Yoga is the sci­ence of breath. Breath has always been a cor­ner­stone of tra­di­tion­al Yoga prac­tices. It is both the gate­way to the sub­tle body, the ner­vous sys­tem and the deep­er lay­ers of the mind. Once a stu­dent is estab­lished in Asana prac­tice, the Pranaya­ma becomes the next jour­ney. When you’re inter­est­ed to study the many ways to use Breath to heal the mind and body, this course is ide­al. It is a unique offer­ing based on Stephen’s 25 years of insight, study and expe­ri­ence in this field.