our yoga studios in the heart of Bern

an oasis for move­ment, mind and breath

Svarupa Lorraine

See­landweg 7 — 3013 Bern

Our yoga stu­dio at svaru­pa Lor­raine is a beau­ti­ful bright, lofty space just above the Aare riv­er and botan­i­cal gar­dens at the entrance to the Lor­raine quarti­er. The space was designed with a rus­tic oak floor and Japan­ese and Swiss design influ­ences. Sur­round­ed on three sides by tall arched win­dows and anchored by a char­coal grey north wall and 8 black pil­lars that hold a strong anchor for this bright open square space. There is a  small curat­ed library, a chill out zone for tea and con­ver­sa­tions. This is our main yoga space for week­ly class­es but also for our Train­ings, Edu­ca­tion pro­grams and Work­shops. A place to come for study, for inspi­ra­tion, or sim­ply to share class and chai with our com­mu­ni­ty of stu­dents. Ful­ly stocked with every yoga prop need­ed and full of our love and pas­sion for the prac­tices of move­ment, breath and mind.

Would you like to host your own event at our won­der­ful Lor­raine Stu­dio? Please get in con­tact with us to dis­cuss your offer­ing, con­di­tions and avail­able time slots.

Svarupa Cave

Post­gasse 44 — 3011 Bern

The cave is a very spe­cial under­ground yoga stu­dio, built with­in an old cel­lar and held in place with the orig­i­nal stone walls of this 600 year old home in the heart of Bern’s Alt­stadt. Exposed rock, a spe­cial lift­ed and insu­lat­ed linoleum floor lit from all four sides and graced by a tall arched 4 m brick ceil­ing. Peo­ple love to prac­tice here for the cozy warmth and ground­ed ener­gy. It’s a small inti­mate space that rests as one of the more unique yoga spaces we have seen.  This is also our “dig­i­tal record­ing stu­dio” where much of our online con­tent is cre­at­ed. It’s the stu­dio that orig­i­nal­ly inspired our vision for svaru­pa — bring­ing togeth­er expe­ri­enced teach­ing and like-mind­ed peo­ple that want­ed to form a unique place for prac­tice and connection. 

Would you like to run your own class or host your own event at our beau­ti­ful Cave Stu­dio? Please get in con­tact with us to dis­cuss your offer­ing, room rental con­di­tions and avail­able time slots.