beginners course

Fundamentals of Yoga

If you always want­ed to learn the basics that make com­ing to a Yoga class more use­ful, safe and inter­est­ing, we offer this sim­ple Fun­da­men­tal course in an easy and afford­able for­mat. 

This course is for every­one who is

  • com­plete­ly new to Yoga
  • already a prac­ti­tion­er look­ing to deep­en or refresh the basics 
  • a teacher want­i­ng to improve teach­ings skills 

Over the time of five weeks you will learn the basic pos­tures that are prac­ticed in almost every class, the cor­rect align­ment as well as mod­i­fi­ca­tions to meet your cur­rent lev­el and indi­vid­ual needs. Each week will be ded­i­cat­ed to a dif­fer­ent theme of pos­tures (see below). You will also be intro­duced to yog­ic breath­ing tech­niques, sim­ple med­i­ta­tion prac­tices and basic philo­soph­i­cal concepts. 


The svaru­pa begin­ner course is always led by one or more expe­ri­enced svaru­pa teacher. Next course led by Céline Ryf in German.

Dates of the current Course

Standing forms and balance

Feb­ru­ary 27th, 2025

Forward bends and hip openers

March 06th, 2025

Twists and backbends

March 13th, 2025

Sun salutations and inversions

March 20th, 2025

Putting it all together

March 27th, 2025

Alle class­es are tak­ing place at Svaru­pa Lor­raine from 18:15 — 20:15 (CET).

Next course to be announced soon


Price: CHF 195.00

- One Free Class for a reg­u­lar class of the svaru­pa sched­ule (will be added to per­son­al account as soon as begin­ner course is booked)
- Dis­count code for the pur­chase of a svaru­pabo-10 class­es for the spe­cial price of 245.00 CHF (to be pur­chased until end of begin­ner course)