foundation yoga teacher training (200h)

Insight, Transformation, Education

The per­fect bal­ance of study, per­son­al self-devel­op­ment and growth in all aspects of Yoga. Whether you intend to teach one day or would love to dive deep into this world of move­ment, asana, breath, med­i­ta­tion and phi­los­o­phy, this Train­ing sets you up.

Every Sep­tem­ber at svaru­pa,  we begin the 8‑month jour­ney. You will study all aspects of Yoga in-depth. Each month, the 3‑day Mod­ule gives an immerse aspect into the prac­tice. In between mod­ules — var­i­ous read­ings, record­ings and class­es keep the rhythm and ensure steady per­son­al­ized growth through­out the train­ing. We cov­er the cen­tral ele­ments of a yoga prac­tice and ensure that you have strate­gies for growth, the sol­id back­ground that enables fur­ther study and the tools to share yoga as a begin­ning teacher. Many stu­dents will also do the Train­ing only as a self-growth and this is also sup­port­ed and encouraged.

Guid­ed by one of the more expe­ri­enced teach­ing teams in Switzer­land.  We are com­mit­ted to keep­ing this amaz­ing tra­di­tion alive and keep­ing the stan­dard for yoga teacher train­ings and edu­ca­tion high. Choos­ing a train­ing in yoga is a big step to take. You can reach Stephen (E) or Céline (DE) direct­ly for an inter­view or to ask ques­tions. Or make your appli­ca­tion online and we will fol­low up with you.

The con­tent of this Train­ing covers:

  • Lev­el One Syl­labus of Dynam­ic Asana and Restora­tive Asana
  • Breath­work Pranaya­mas and Cleans­ing Kriyas
  • Med­i­ta­tion and Mindfulness
  • Subtle/Energetic Body
  • Work­ing with com­mon chal­lenges and spe­cial conditions
  • Intro­duc­tion to Ayurveda
  • Lev­el 1 Func­tion­al Anatomy
  • Mantra and Devo­tion­al Practice
  • Teach­ing Methodologies
  • Basic Sequenc­ing 
  • Yoga Phi­los­o­phy Introduction

Dates 2024/2025

Dates 2025/2026

Module 1

19 — 21, 2025

Module 2

17 — 19, 2025

Module 3

14 — 16, 2025

Module 4

05 — 07, 2025

Module 5

16 — 18, 2026

Module 6

Feb, Mar
27 — 01, 2026

Module 7

27 — 29, 2026

All cours­es take place at Svaru­pa Yoga in Berne (Switzer­land)

Weekend Modules / Hourly Dates

Fri­days are always half days begin­ning at 14.30 and fin­ish­ing at 19.30
Sat­ur­days and Sun­days are always 8.00 — 11.30 and 13.00 to 17.00

Foundation Yoga Teacher Training Certification with Svarupa Yoga
(Certification meets and exceeds Yoga Alliance (YA) Standard)

Require­ments for “Begin­ner Teach­ing” Cer­tifi­cate
A. Obser­va­tion of 1 class min­i­mum — 2 rec­om­mend­ed — sub­mit doc­u­ments (tem­plate pro­vid­ed by Svaru­pa)
B. Teach 3 free class­es in the com­mu­ni­ty — sub­mit doc­u­ments (tem­plate pro­vid­ed by Svaru­pa)
C. Eval­u­a­tion of teach­ing: 10 – 12 minute demon­stra­tion (video sub­mis­sion or live in stu­dio)
D. Min­i­mum 70% cor­rect final writ­ten exam — re-write is pos­si­ble or writ­ten essay sub­mis­sion when exam is not over 70%
E. Full atten­dance of course (max 12 hours miss­ing)* and pos­i­tive par­tic­i­pa­tion

Require­ments for Edu­ca­tion “Par­tic­i­pa­tion” Cer­tifi­cate
Full atten­dance of course (max 12 hours miss­ing)* and pos­i­tive participation

Special Note

This train­ing is deep and trans­for­ma­tive and requires that stu­dents have a rea­son­able amount of expe­ri­ence doing Yoga. A min­i­mum of 2 – 3 years of prac­tice is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. Stu­dents will learn and trans­form their Asana prac­tice, but they should also have an inter­est in the seat­ed and inward prac­tices of Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion and Phi­los­o­phy (for­mal expe­ri­ence is not required, but a desire to learn this is essen­tial). Yoga can be a life chang­ing prac­tice. It can bring joy and feel very bright and light, yet because it is also a heal­ing prac­tice, it can be chal­leng­ing at times. The jour­ney is safe and care­ful­ly pre­sent­ed, but stu­dents must come ready to explore and dive in deep.

Fees, Application, Testimonials & Further Questions