workshops and events
THE BREATH by keur
March 14th, 2025
18:00 — 20:00
Svarupa Lorraine
THE BREATH at beautiful, spacious Svarupa Lorraine in Bern.
The Breath is a uniquely curated two hours breathwork experience that focuses on inner and outer explorations. keur combines a variety of impactful breathing exercises and techniques to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, opening the door to the magic within you. Click here for more information.

What to bring: Warm sweater, water bottle, a journal and and an eye pillow. We have Yoga mats and blankets on-site.
Teaching language: The primary language of instruction in our class is English, but we are also happy to provide guidance in German
Preparation: We recommend not to eat heavy meals before practicing breathing techniques. If you can, try to stop eating 90 minutes before the workshop. Carefully read through our FAQ. If you are pregnant or have any health conditions, please reach out to us.
Teacher: Manuela & Matthias
Price: CHF 79.00
Space is limited — max. 32 participants
Cleansing Week Spring 2025
March 13th — 23rd, 2025
according to traditional Ayurveda and Hatha Yoga
Spring is the time to release the winter Kapha and cleanse the physical and subtle channels of the body. The effect is a full body cleanse and mental reset. We offer this program Ayurveda based, with Pranayama, restorative Asanas and Meditation that are designed specifically for that process
A mono-diet based on Ayurvedic herbs and Kitcharee. Kitcharee is considered to have a cleansing effect on the digestive tract, giving the metabolism enough nutrition to do its daily duties and yet have enough pause from eating to let the system rest and to focus on elimination of old accumulated waste material. It restores the Agni (digestive fire) and brings brightness to the mind.

Self-guided Kriyas according to the supplied Manual
Morning sessions from 07.00 to 08.00 for guided Mantra, Pranayama, Meditation and restorative Asana. Some days include question and answer session afterwards (optional).
Detailed nutritional, herbal and dietary support throughout the week providing a proper entry, stability and proper exit-tapering from the week.
Ayurvedic Constitution (Dosha) Self-test to support individual needs
March 15
Meeting and Intro Practices including Q&A 08.30am
March 15 – 16
Preparation weekend using the Manual and video guidance
March 17 – 21
5 days of guided 60 min morning Pranayama, Meditation, Restoring Asana. (attend live, on zoom or watch recorded material at your convenience)
March 22 – 23
2 days of Tapering using the Manual and further guidance
195.00 CHF
Manual, video Recordings, guidance, 6 live practices (space is limited for Live instudio attendance)
108.00 CHF
for returning Students who have done this Cleanse with us in the past (write to Brigi)
Svarupa Teacher Training Groups 200H and 300H do this course for FREE
Language: English
Format: Online (you are welcome to join the morning sessions live at the svarūpa cave, recordings available in the content library until April 6th, 2025)
Spring Equinox Kirtan
Mar 21, 2025
Our monthly Bhakti Jam (Mantra & Meditation) is a chance to join together, play music for the divine, dance, chant and feel the devotional bhavana. Donation based for diverse projects.

Mantra in Motion
March 22nd, 2025
14:30 — 17:00
Svarupa Lorraine
Mantra in Motion verbindet eine vertiefte Yogapraxis mit der Kraft des gemeinsamen Mantra Singens – ein Raum, in dem sich dein Körper-Herz-Geist vereinigen kann und dadurch das, was du in deiner Essenz bist, stärkt.
Jeder Gedanke, jede Intension, jedes Mantra setzt eine Ursache, die eine Wirkung hat. Kräfte, die unser Sein stärken, unser Leben ausbalancieren und neue Tore öffnen können.
So wie Asanas den Körper harmonisieren und stärken, sind Mantras eine Schlüsselpraxis für einen ruhigen, klaren Geist. Zusammen mit der Kraft des Klangs, führen sie uns zu unserer ureigenen Essenz, der Essenz des Seins an sich. Ein Zustand, in dem wir uns wieder erinnern können, was wirklich wichtig ist.
Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Language: German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 60.00
Reduced price available — get in touch here to apply
Space is limited — max. 24 participants
Reset Your Habits
Apr 24 — 27, 2025
Mini Detox Home Retreat
Der Frühling eignet sich ideal, um einen körperlichen wie seelischen Detox zu machen, um die Wintermüdigkeit und alten Ballast loszulassen. Menschen aus verschiedenen Traditionen wissen seit Jahrhunderten um die Vorteile des Fastens und auch im Yoga haben Ernährung und Kriyas (Reinigungspraktiken) einen wichtigen Stellenwert. Durch das Fasten kann der Körper neue Energie gewinnen, gespeicherte Giftstoffe loswerden, das spirituelle Wohlbefinden stärken und die allgemeine Gesundheit nachhaltig verbessern. Obwohl der Fokus auf der Arbeit mit dem Körper liegt, ist dies nicht das höchste Ziel.
Das Ziel des Yoga ist Yoga — uns von einer eingeschränkten Wahrnehmung dessen zu befreien, wer wir wirklich sind. Oft denken wir, wir sind nur Körper und Geist, obwohl wir viel mehr als das sind. Der physische Körper ist unser Instrument und kann ein kraftvolles Werkzeug für Transformation, sowie für das Finden von innerem Frieden und Glück sein.

Oftmals sind die grössten Giftstoffe nicht physischer, sondern mentaler Natur. Fasten ist eine grossartige Möglichkeit, um sich den Bewegungen des Geistes, der Gewohnheiten, Anhaftungen und Abneigungen bewusster zu werden. Durch das Fasten erlauben wir nicht nur unserem Körper, sich auszuruhen und zu erneuern, sondern geben uns auch die Chance, unser Bewusstsein zu schärfen und mehr mentale Klarheit zu gewinnen. Nur durch Achtsamkeit können wir ungesunde Muster erkennen und sie transformieren.
Diese Tage bieten eine Gelegenheit zum Innehalten, achtsam werden und Gewohnheiten, die einem nicht mehr dienen, abzulegen. Einmal den Reset-Knopf drücken und zentriert und klar in den Frühling starten.
Was erwartet Dich? Was ist inbegriffen?
_ Ein umfassendes Detox-Handout, das dich begleitet
_ WhatsApp Gruppe für Fragen & Support
_ Yoga Sessions in Bern oder online
_ Online-Meetings via Zoom
_ Voraufgezeichnete Videos (Yoga, Pranayama, Kriya und Meditationen), die dich über die Tage zusätzlich unterstützen
Samstag, 19. April bis Montag, 21. April:
- Individuelle Vorbereitung
- Einkaufen aller Zutaten, Supplements etc.
- Beobachtung der Gewohnheiten vor dem Fasten
Dienstag, 22. April bis Mittwoch, 23. April:
- Reduktionstage
- Morgendliche Kriyas
- Dienstag, 22. April 19.00 – 20.00 Uhr Online Treffen via Zoom Erklärung der Techniken & Fragerunde
Donnerstag, 24. April bis Sonntag, 27. April:
- Fastentage
- Morgendliche Kriyas
- Donnerstag, 24. April 18.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Opening Circle & Yoga
- Freitag, 25. April 17.00 – 19.00 Uhr
Restorative Yoga & Mantra
- Samstag, 26. April 17.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Online Treffen via Zoom für Fragen, Austausch etc.
- Sonntag, 27. April 15.00 – 17.00 Uhr
Yoga & Closing Circle (Fastenbrechen)
Montag, 28. April bis Dienstag, 29. April
- Aufbautage
- Support via What’s App Gruppe
Optional können folgende Yogastunden dazu gebucht werden (nicht im Preis inbegriffen)
- Freitag, 25. April 09.30 – 11.00 Uhr Yoga Open im Svarupa mit Céline
- Samstag, 26. April 09.30 – 11-00 Uhr Asana Jam im Svarupa mit Céline
Es gibt verschiedene Arten des Fastens. Die Methode, die in dieser Woche angewendet wird, ist ein Saftfasten. Indem man auf feste Nahrung verzichtet, wird das Verdauungssystem entlastet, während der Körper dennoch mit vielen Vitaminen, Mineralien, Enzymen und Antioxidantien aus Gemüse versorgt wird (im Vergleich zu einer reinen Wasserreinigung). Die Alkalität der Säfte hilft die Säure, der während des Fastens freigesetzten Giftstoffe auszugleichen. Um Blutzuckerspitzen zu vermeiden, wird empfohlen, hauptsächlich Gemüse zu entsaften und nur wenig, sowie nicht sehr süsses Obst hinzuzufügen. Die 80/20-Regel ist eine gute Richtlinie (80% Gemüse, 20% Obst).
Wir sind bio-individuell, das bedeutet, was für eine Person funktioniert, muss nicht unbedingt für eine andere gelten. Die Reinigung kann an deine individuellen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden, damit diese eine gute und nährende Erfahrung für Körper, Geist und Seele wird. Es besteht die Möglichkeit Protein-Smoothies hinzuzufügen, falls jemand zu schnell Energie und Gewicht verliert. Eine Kitchari-Reinigung, bei der nur ein traditionelles ayurvedisches Linsen-Reis-Gericht gegessen wird, kann ebenfalls eine Option sein. Die eigentlichen Fastentage können auch individuell um 1 – 3 Tage verlängert werden.
Dieses Mini Retreat ist eine Einladung, alte Gewohnheiten zu hinterfragen, sie zu durchbrechen und bewusstere Entscheidungen zu treffen – nicht nur beim Essen, sondern auch in deinem Alltag.
275.00 CHF — HYBRID (Yoga vor Ort in Bern)
220.00 CHF — ONLINE
Embodiment Lab — a laboratory for experience
May 11th, 2024
14:00 — 17:00
Svarupa Lorraine
This collaborative space does not focus on mastering specific techniques, but on evolving toward a richer understanding of our being to foster more genuine connections with both ourselves and that which is around us.
We come together to embark on a profound exploration through our body-instrument. Guided by an integrative blend of somatics, yoga, free movement, soundscapes and being in community we challenge our preconceived notions.
Each lab will provide a variety of practices and principles that encourage you to investigate, sense, question, express and unravel. We will engage in ways that refine our perception of the subtle shifts within our body-mind-heart. This is a format to leap into the new and strange while reconnecting with our deep inner knowing.
Teacher: Olivia Winiger
Language: German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 75.00
Reduced price available — get in touch here to apply
Space is limited — max. 24 participants
Breathwork Session
Jun 13, 2025 19:30 — 21:30
Conscious connected breathing is a dynamic and profound practice that helps to release tension and blockages on various levels and to recharge your batteries. The sessions are structured in a trauma-conscious way and are accompanied by bodywork.

Bewusstes verbundenes Atmen ist eine dynamische und tiefgreifende Praxis, welche hilft, Spannungen und Blockaden auf verschiedenen Ebenen zu lösen und neue Energie zu tanken. Die Sessions sind traumabewusst aufgebaut und werden durch Körperarbeit begleitet.
Teacher: Anita Jetzer
Language: Swiss German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 80.00
Space is limited — max. 20 participants
10 Hour Restorative Yoga Training
June 14th & 15th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
A Katonah Yoga based approach to physical and mental recovery: We use proven shapes, prop set-ups, the breath and our imagination to reform the body and re-inform the practice.
- Supported backbends, inversions, folds and being in joint space.
- Breath techniques for fluidity and linking the different practice fragments.
- Katonah yoga theory: Seasons, organs and internal body mapping.
- The architecture of therapeutic prop set-ups taking body proportions into account.
- Adjusting, self-adjusting and on how to promote a stable physical structure.
- Active Recovery for Athletes: Addressing injuries and promoting restoration.
- Regulating the nervous and endocrine system for balance and wellbeing.
- Embodied meditation. Embodied mental health.

You will feel a lot of goodness in your body and take home effective recipes for yourself, a friend or your students. This training is open to yoga practitioners and teachers, the curious and everyone mindful of an organized interior.
10 hours count towards the Katonah Yoga certification program.
Complete manual with theory and detailed practice descriptions (will be sent as a PDF document).
Teacher: Reni Bickel
Language: English
Price: CHF 320.00
Living with Purpose — a weekend with Max Strom
Jun 20th-22nd, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live without anxiety and constant stress? What would you do if you could sleep like you used to sleep when you were a child the whole night and feel refreshed when you wake up? What would you do if you found out there is a way that you can live with more meaning, not only for you but for your family? You know there is a better way to live then you are living now. To live with purpose is the goal of nearly everyone but so few know how to achieve it.
Join Max Strom for a weekend that will teach you how to restore yourself and help you identify your life purpose. Bring writing materials.

Friday, June 20th — 18:30 to 21:30
A Life Worth Breathing
3 hours — all levels — lecture and movement
This special event is focused on transforming depression into inspiration and anxiety into calm. Max’s work is known for its healing, penetrating affect, leaving students feeling renewed and open. The workshop begins with a talk by Max based on ideas from his book of the same title. This will be followed by the integration of breathing exercises and yoga movement. The final segment of the workshop will focus on seated breathing exercises to revitalize and inspire your body, your emotions, and your life.
Saturday, June 21st — 10.00 to 14.00
Releasing and Healing our Emotional Body through Postures and Breath-work
2 hours — movement-based seminar — all levels
It is said that the human being has a powerful guiding voice within; it is the voice of our intuition and wisdom. But this voice is commonly drowned out by the noise in our mind. The noise is often caused from chaotic or congested emotions from stress, depression, PTS, or anxiety. In this workshop we will begin with a talk by Max, then move into a gentle breath-initiated movement sequence. The second half of the workshop will focus on floor postures and breath-work to release the mind and body from long-held emotions that impede our happiness and our ability to sleep well. Bring your mat and writing materials.
Saturday, June 21st — 14:00 to 16:00
Some Doors Open Only from the Inside
2 hours — breathwork and lecture — all levels
“Genuinely life-changing.”
“Turning point in my life.”
“Major breakthrough.”
“Highly valued catalyst in my therapy process.“
Just a few of numerous comments of people who have experienced a session of powerful breathwork with Max Strom. There’s a time for theory, and there’s a time to let our breath work for us and go beyond what we can rationally grasp to release our congested emotions from stress, depression, anxiety, or PTS. Emotions affect our breathing, for example: crying and laughing. But did you know that changing the pattern of our breathing influences our emotions? An innovative method, simple techniques, and incredible results. The practices you will learn in this workshop take you to a calm and inspired state with new depths of insight. This workshop will include lecture, standing and seated breathing exercises. Bring writing materials. (not advised if you are pregnant)
Sunday, June 22nd — 10:00 to 12:30
Find Your Life Purpose
2.5 hours — lecture and writing
Join Max for an inspiring and insightful talk and a concise course in essential steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life purpose.
Known for his depth perception and insight into the human experience, this seminar offers an inspiring and insightful talk by Max, followed by a concise course in essential steps to reveal and/or launch one’s life purpose. The insight you will gain cannot be purchased or found in a book, university, or website. This special seminar will help you to see your world differently, and even course-correct the trajectory of your life course. Be sure to bring writing materials.
Are you prepared for success? (Do you believe that you deserve it?)
If you have success, do you have meaning?
Revealing your blind side, your gifts and purpose
Reverse-Engineering your purpose
Distinguishing happiness and meaning
The relationship between leadership and purpose
Primary resources – Time vs. money
Recalibrate and course-correct
Don’t miss the chance to learn from one of today’s foremost teachers of wellness, finding meaning in the digital age, and breath-based movement.

Max Strom was born with severe clubbed feet and spent much of the first nine years with his feet confined in plaster casts or braces. Today he is a renowned speaker, author and breathwork teacher, and has dedicated over 30 years to successfully guiding individuals toward emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation. With his transformative Breathe to Heal method, Max offers highly impactful techniques that not only alleviate anxiety, panic attacks and sleep issues, but also catalyze profound shifts in individuals and their relationships.
Max captivates audiences worldwide with his empowering keynote addresses and has presented four impactful TEDx Talks, including the viral Breathe to Heal with 3.9 million YouTube views. His books, There is No App for Happiness and A Life Worth Breathing, resonate internationally, with his third book on the horizon.
Redirect your life’s journey with Max’s in-person courses and trainings, his livestream workshops and his online video and audio courses. Breathe into new insights, release the chains of suppressed pain and trauma, and become part of a transformative movement. Discover more at – your gateway towards a life of meaning and purpose. Max teaches in English.
Single Sessions
- 2.0h: CHF 55.00
- 2.5h: CHF 65.00
- 3.0h: CHF 75.00
Full Package CHF 225.00
Usha Devi and Siddharta Krishna
July, August September 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
A weekend of healing and insight using Iyengar Yogasana from master teacher Usha Devi (Rishikesh, India) and supporting philosophy lectures/discussions with Siddharta Krisha (Rishikesh).
Friday, July 18, 2025
_ 15:00 — 18:00 Asana with Usha Devi
_ 18:00 — 18:30 Tea and Snacks served
_ 18:30 — 19:30 Philosophy with Siddharta Krishna
Saturday, July 19, 2025
_ 8:30 — 11:30 Asana with Usha Devi
_ special vegetarian Indian lunch available (must be ordered in advance — CHF 20.00)
_ 13:00 — 14:00 Philosophy with Siddharta Krishna
_ 14:30 — 16:30 Asana with Usha Devi
Sunday, July 20, 2025
_ 8:30 — 11:30 Asana with Usha Devi
_ Chai and informal talks afterwards
About Usha Devi
Usha Devi has been living in India since the late 1970s. In 1993, she began to study yoga with the world famous Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar “Guruji”. She still spends several months each year at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune.
In her teaching, Usha Devi is very precise and strict. As a result, her students are often astonished by the level of personal application and awareness that they are able to achieve during her classes. For many, the first impression is of a hard, demanding teacher; this is true, but students quickly realize that Usha Devi’s disciplined approach arises from a genuine love for others and a natural selflessness which enables her to form quite a unique relationship with the students in her classes. Under her continual guidance, students are allowed to achieve depths of yoga practice that they had no conception of before.
Most students who work with Usha Devi come to feel that her instruction has given them a true understanding of the important aspects of Yoga which in turn, gives a lifelong improvement to their practice. Her ironic sense of humor and her forthright common sense contribute to making her something of a legend in the Yoga community.

About Siddharta Krishna
Siddhartha Krishna was raised in the family tradition of Yoga. He was educated at the Kailas Ashram Brahma Vidya Pitha, a monastery focusing on the teaching of Vedanta whose name is related to well known scholars and Masters such as Swami Vivekananda (founder of the Ramakrishna Mission), Swami Ramatirtha (founder of the Ramatirtha Mission), Swami Tapovan (Master of Swami Chinmayananda, founder of the Chinmaya Mission), and Swami Sivananda (founder of the Divine Life Society).
Later, he taught courses on Sanskrit grammar and Indian philosophy at the same monastery, and also edited their publications on Vedanta. In his further study he has specialized on Veda and Yoga philosophy as well and has published translations of and commentaries on Sanskrit texts. Currently, he teaches at the Patanjala Yoga Centre in Rishikesh, India. He also travels extensively out of India as a guest instructor.
In his philosophical discourses he discusses the ancient yogic texts in a way which supports the more universal understanding of the Yogic wisdom and its source, the Veda, in accordance with modern intellectual thought.

Entire Weekend CHF 320.00
Limited Spaces for this Special Program — course must be booked as a full package
Special requests, contact [email protected]
Arm Balance & Inversion Quest
Jul 2025 — Feb 2026
Eine 6‑teilige Vertiefung für Yoga-Übende und — Lehrer*innen
In der Praxis von Armbalancen und Umkehrhaltungen steckt eine tiefgehende Auseinandersetzung mit uns selbst. Diese Asanas laden dazu ein, über körperliche Grenzen hinauszuwachsen und die eigenen Ängste zu überwinden. Sie sind nicht nur körperliche Herausforderungen, sondern auch Spiegel unserer inneren Welt. Die Erfahrungen, die wir dabei machen, fördern unser Körperbewusstsein, stärken unseren Geist und helfen uns, beweglicher zu werden – physisch und psychisch.

Mit dieser 6‑teiligen Vertiefung möchten wir dir eine strukturierte Plattform bieten, um dich intensiv mit diesen Asanas auseinanderzusetzen und somit deinen eigenen inneren Dialog zu fördern.
Zwischen Juli 2025 und Februar 2026 tauchen wir in folgende Themen ein:
6. Juli 2025
Key Components to find Balance in your Handstand
Aufbau der Grundlagen, um Stabilität und Leichtigkeit im Handstand zu finden.
17. August 2025
Building on Forearms — Pincha Mayurasana
Vertiefung der Vorarmhaltungen und Verbindung zur Körpermitte.
14. September 2025
Advanced Arm Balances — Sidebody & Splits
Komplexe Armbalancen mit Fokus auf Laterallinie und Spagat.
30. November 2025
Float with Ease: Dynamic Handstand Entrances
Ein Herantasten, wie es sich anfühlt, dynamisch in den Handstand zu schweben.
25. Januar 2025
Handstand Press-Up — Work Smarter not Harder
Effizienztraining für Handstand-Press-Technik.
22. Februar 2026
Advanced Arm Balances with a Twist
Diverse Varianten gedrehter Armbalancen.
Alle 6 Vertiefungen: CHF 585.00
Einzelne Vertiefung: CHF 108.00
Angelo Cecchi Teachers Intensive
Aug 06 — 08, 2025
3 days of Insight to Asana
In this 3 day teachers intensive, we will explore a deeper understanding of alignment through the lens of Biomechanics, Iyengar’s insights, and Osteopathy. The course is intended for teachers of Yoga Asana. Grow your own practice, and gain clear Insight into better alignment for students, modifications and help in preventing and healing from injury

Wednesday, Aug 06, 2025
- 6.0 hours
Thursday, Aug 07, 2025
_ 6.0 hours
Friday, Aug 08, 2025
_ 6.0 hours
Course is a 3 day program — Limited to 20 teachers
certificate for Svarupa continuing education available for 18 hours
Sliding scale according to income.
Yogasana Alignment, Biomechanics and Beyond
Aug 09 — 10, 2025
Angelo Cecchi returns to Svarupa
In this weekend workshop, we will explore a series of classic progressive postures, focusing on deepening the understanding of alignment through the lens of Biomechanics, Iyengar’s insights, and Osteopathy. The course is intended for regular practitioners of Yoga Asana.

Saturday, Aug 09, 2025
_ 09:30 — 12:30 Dynamic Standing
_ 14:30 — 16:30 Seated Asanas
Sunday, Aug 10, 2025
_ 09:30 — 12:30 Dynamic Backbends
_ 14:30 — 16:30 Restorative
_ Morning Sessions: CHF 65.00
_ Afternoon Sessions: CHF 50.00
_ 2‑Day Package: CHF 200.00
Workshop is a 2 day program — Limited place availability, sign up early
Breathwork Session
Sep 05, 2025 19:30 — 21:30
Conscious connected breathing is a dynamic and profound practice that helps to release tension and blockages on various levels and to recharge your batteries. The sessions are structured in a trauma-conscious way and are accompanied by bodywork.

Bewusstes verbundenes Atmen ist eine dynamische und tiefgreifende Praxis, welche hilft, Spannungen und Blockaden auf verschiedenen Ebenen zu lösen und neue Energie zu tanken. Die Sessions sind traumabewusst aufgebaut und werden durch Körperarbeit begleitet.
Teacher: Anita Jetzer
Language: Swiss German (or English if required)
Price: CHF 80.00
Space is limited — max. 20 participants
Tuscany Retreat
Sep 22nd — 28th, 2025
with Stephen Thomas & Brigi Thomas-Moog
Join Stephen Thomas and Brigi Thomas-Moog at Casolare Alberelli in Tuscany (I) for a week of Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. A chance to deepen practice, share time together and restore energy.

About the Program
Our typical day begins with morning Mantra, Pranayama & Meditation. We break for some tea and silent space — then re-gathering to immerse in a long Asana session and deep Savasana. We take brunch and the afternoons are free until we meet for a second session of Asana, Pranayama and Dharma talks before our evening meal.
About the Food
Enjoy vegetarian meals prepared with seasonal, organic and mostly locally sourced products, prepared with the love-filled hands of the family.
In warm weather, meals are served on the garden terrace overlooking the sea, and in chilly weather, we will enjoy the yummy food in the lodging’s dining room where the crackling fireplace adds a cozy feeling of home.
Sep 22 — Arrival Day
17.30 – 19.00 Yoga Asana
followed by arrival Dinner
Sep 23 — 27 Typical Days
07.30 — 11.15 Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Meditation
11.30 Brunch
Afternoons free for walking, reading, resting in the hammock, time at the sea
16.30 — 18.30 Restorative Asana, Pranayama, Meditation
19.00 Dinner
Sep 28 — Departure Day
07.30 — 10.30 Early Morning Practices, Closing Circle
11.00 Brunch followed by departure
CHF 1’790.00 per person, double ocuppancy
CHF 1’690.00 per person, triple occupancy
single occupancy limited availability on request
- 6 nights accommodation food yoga
not included:
- Tourist tax (1 euro per person per day)
- Travel costs
Retreat Policy and Payment Details
This retreat hosted by Stephen Thomas and Brigi Thomas-Moog is limited to 16 participants.
For details about the retreat centre, visit
Wild Lotus Weekend Immersion
Oct 11th — 12th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
Weekend Program with Patrick Creelman from Pure Yoga — Hong Kong

First visit to Bern with a 4‑session weekend format
More Info coming soon
Injury Management Training for Teachers
Nov 07th ‑09th, 2025
Svarupa Lorraine
November 07th — 09th, 2025
Joan Hyman from Brussels and USA, coming to Bern for the first time at svarupa
More Info coming soon