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Masterclass Ticino — SOLD OUT!

Sun­day, April 28th, 2024

The Vayus in Asana 
Dynam­ic, Restora­tive & Insightful

For stu­dents and teach­ers, this Mas­ter­class explores the first three Vayus of Yoga: Prana (receive and absorb), Apana (sta­bil­i­ty and release) and Samana (digest and inte­grate)

In this Mas­ter­class, there is a focus on Asana — look­ing at sub­tle refine­ment in the asana approach from the ener­getic per­spec­tive of the Vayus. There will be clear direc­tion on mod­i­fy­ing and refind­ing the Asana to match your needs so that per­son­al growth can take place. Some Pranayama/Breathwork will com­ple­ment the Asana focus.

This is a Lev­el 2 course with some expe­ri­ence in Yoga required. It is not ide­al for begin­ners. Come pre­pared to prac­tice strong and dive deep into practice.

Teacher: Stephen Thomas [eng]