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Insight to Asana — A Series

Ses­sion 1  — Free­dom in Back­bends
Sat­ur­day, April 20th from 14.30 — 17.30

Back­bends are a refresh­ing and reju­ve­nat­ing aspect of Yoga Asana. But because of the inten­si­ty and stim­u­la­tion of the ner­vous sys­tem and the wide range of motion required in the body, access­ing the depth and free­dom of the back­bends can be chal­leng­ing. 
By using var­i­ous prop tech­niques, mod­i­fi­ca­tions to align­ment and sup­port, stu­dents can have a longer and deep­er hold in back­bends and enjoy the way those Asanas lift ener­gy and open the breath. If you want to find cor­rect align­ment, find pain-free depth, or find your way into the deep­er expe­ri­ence of safe back­bends, this Work­shop will be use­ful.
Price: Sin­gle Ses­sion CHF 65.00

Ses­sion 2 — Inver­sions for All
Sun­day, April 21st from 14.30 — 17.30

Inver­sions are an impor­tant and unique part of the Yoga Asana tra­di­tion. Some of the invert­ed Asanas are done to stim­u­late and strength­en mind and body, but oth­ers are sup­port­ed and held long to calm and restore. There are also anatom­i­cal dif­fer­ences which often require spe­cif­ic changes that allow a stu­dent to find the inver­sion in a way that works for them. 
This is a work­shop for stu­dents that would like to improve con­fi­dence and under­stand­ing in Inver­sions, to find sta­bil­i­ty in the basic form or even to add some vari­a­tions. If you want to find cor­rect align­ment, build con­fi­dence, or want to under­stand the mechan­ics and ener­gy in safe inver­sions, this Work­shop will be use­ful. You will leave with a clear under­stand­ing of how to grow and trans­form this aspect of the Yoga Prac­tice.

Price: Sin­gle Ses­sion CHF 65.00

Teacher: Stephen Thomas [eng]
Space lim­it­ed to ensure hands on sup­port — 12 mats max. per ses­sion. All props and sup­port are provided.