Headstand Workshop

August, 10th, 2024 — 10:00 to 12:00

Learn the basic archi­tec­ture of Sir­sasana (head­stand), how to build a sol­id foun­da­tion in order to, step by step, find sta­bil­i­ty and ease in its basic alignment.

This work­shop is designed for stu­dents which seek safe tech­niques and strate­gies to work towards this pose, yet also for the expe­ri­enced stu­dent intend­ing to refine and align the inner compass.

Price: CHF 50.00
Book here

Teacher: Bri­gi Thomas-Moog
Lan­guage: Swiss German

This immer­sion is in stu­dio only - space is lim­it­ed (max. 8 students)