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Ayurveda’s 3 Pillars relating to Women’s Health

East­ern Sci­ence offers a unique way to look at women’s hor­mones. Chal­lenges with the cycle, PMS, pre- and menopausal top­ics such as hot flash­es might be com­mon, yet not nor­mal — they indi­cate dishar­mo­ny in body or mind.

In this course, we and chat about Ayurveda’s offer­ings and what you can do to bounce back to bal­ance, or stay on an even keel as you nav­i­gate through hor­mon­al chal­leng­ing times. We talk about con­cepts like Dual­i­ty, the Gunas and dinacaryā (दिनचर्या) and how to inte­grate them into our lives accordingly.

We also share a Yoga Prac­tice to stim­u­late both body and mind.

- 09.00 — app. 10.00 Yoga Prac­tice
- teabreak
- 10.15 — app. 12.00 Learn and under­stand the Ayurvedic per­spec­tive on Hor­mon­al Health

Teacher: Bri­gi Thomas-Moog
Lan­guage: English

This course is hybrid — you can par­tic­i­pate incave (max. 15 stu­dents) or online via Zoom.

Price: CHF 75.00
BOOK INCAVE or BOOK ONLINE participation