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Advanced Yoga Teacher Training ATT 24/25

Svarū­pa Advanced Yoga Teacher Train­ing 24/25 at Svarū­pa in Berne (CH).

This is a Sad­hana and an Education/Teacher Train­ing for Yoga teach­ers and expe­ri­enced stu­dents that want an in-depth explo­ration, edu­ca­tion and per­son­al growth in the tra­di­tions of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the gen­er­al term applied to any prac­tices of Yoga that involve Asanas, Pranaya­ma (breath­work), Med­i­ta­tion, Kriyas (inner cleans­ing), Mudras, Devo­tion and the under­ly­ing Philoso­phies for approach­ing an inner and out­er life.

The Svarū­pa Advanced Yoga Teacher Train­ing (AYT) gives stu­dents a Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram in prac­tices of the Mod­ern and Ancient Hatha Tra­di­tion.

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