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Jul 18 - 20, 2025

Usha Devi and Siddharta Krishna 

A week­end of  heal­ing and insight using Iyen­gar Yogasana from mas­ter teacher Usha Devi (Rishikesh, India) and sup­port­ing phi­los­o­phy lectures/discussions with Sid­dhar­ta Krisha (Rishikesh).

Fri­day, July 18, 2025
_ 15:00 — 18:00 Asana with Usha Devi
_ 18:00 — 18:30 Tea and Snacks served
_ 18:30 — 19:30 Phi­los­o­phy with Sid­dhar­ta Krishna

Sat­ur­day, July 19, 2025
_ 8:30 — 11:30 Asana with Usha Devi
_ spe­cial veg­e­tar­i­an Indi­an lunch avail­able (must be ordered in advance — CHF 20.00)
_ 13:00 — 14:00 Phi­los­o­phy with Sid­dhar­ta Krish­na
_ 14:30 — 16:30 Asana with Usha Devi

Sun­day, July 20, 2025
_ 8:30 — 11:30 Asana with Usha Devi
_ Chai and infor­mal talks afterwards

About Usha Devi
Usha Devi has been liv­ing in India since the late 1970s. In 1993, she began to study yoga with the world famous Yoga mas­ter B.K.S. Iyen­gar “Guru­ji”. She still spends sev­er­al months each year at the Rama­mani Iyen­gar Memo­r­i­al Yoga Insti­tute (RIMYI) in Pune.

In her teach­ing, Usha Devi is very pre­cise and strict. As a result, her stu­dents are often aston­ished by the lev­el of per­son­al appli­ca­tion and aware­ness that they are able to achieve dur­ing her class­es.  For many, the first impres­sion is of a hard, demand­ing teacher; this is true, but stu­dents quick­ly real­ize that Usha Devi’s dis­ci­plined approach aris­es from a gen­uine love for oth­ers and a nat­ur­al self­less­ness which enables her to form quite a unique rela­tion­ship with the stu­dents in her class­es. Under her con­tin­u­al guid­ance, stu­dents are allowed to achieve depths of yoga prac­tice that they had no con­cep­tion of before.

Most stu­dents who work with Usha Devi come to feel that her instruc­tion has giv­en them a true under­stand­ing of the impor­tant aspects of Yoga which in turn, gives a life­long improve­ment to their prac­tice.  Her iron­ic sense of humor and her forth­right com­mon sense con­tribute to mak­ing her some­thing of a leg­end in the Yoga community.

About Sid­dhar­ta Krish­na
Sid­dhartha Krish­na was raised in the fam­i­ly tra­di­tion of Yoga. He was edu­cat­ed at the Kailas Ashram Brah­ma Vidya Pitha, a monastery focus­ing on the teach­ing of Vedan­ta whose name is relat­ed to well known schol­ars and Mas­ters such as Swa­mi Vivekanan­da (founder of the Ramakr­ish­na Mis­sion), Swa­mi Ramatirtha (founder of the Ramatirtha Mis­sion), Swa­mi Tapo­van (Mas­ter of Swa­mi Chin­mayanan­da, founder of the Chin­maya Mis­sion), and Swa­mi Sivanan­da (founder of the Divine Life Soci­ety).

Lat­er, he taught cours­es on San­skrit gram­mar and Indi­an phi­los­o­phy at the same monastery, and also edit­ed their pub­li­ca­tions on Vedan­ta. In his fur­ther study he has spe­cial­ized on Veda and Yoga phi­los­o­phy as well and has pub­lished trans­la­tions of and com­men­taries on San­skrit texts. Cur­rent­ly, he teach­es at the Patan­jala Yoga Cen­tre in Rishikesh, India. He also trav­els exten­sive­ly out of India as a guest instruc­tor.

In his philo­soph­i­cal dis­cours­es he dis­cuss­es the ancient yog­ic texts in a way which sup­ports the more uni­ver­sal under­stand­ing of the Yog­ic wis­dom and its source, the Veda, in accor­dance with mod­ern intel­lec­tu­al thought.

Entire Week­end CHF 320.00
Lim­it­ed Spaces for this Spe­cial Pro­gram — course must be booked as a full package

Spe­cial requests, con­tact [email protected]