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Mar 15 - 23, 2025

Cleansing Week Spring 2025

accord­ing to tra­di­tion­al Ayurve­da and Hatha Yoga

Spring is the time to release the win­ter Kapha and cleanse the phys­i­cal and sub­tle chan­nels of the body. The effect is a full body cleanse and men­tal reset. We offer this pro­gram Ayurve­da based, with Pranaya­ma, restora­tive Asanas and Med­i­ta­tion that are designed specif­i­cal­ly for that process

A mono-diet based on Ayurvedic herbs and Kitcha­ree. Kitcha­ree is con­sid­ered to have a cleans­ing effect on the diges­tive tract, giv­ing the metab­o­lism enough nutri­tion to do its dai­ly duties and yet have enough pause from eat­ing to let the sys­tem rest and to focus on elim­i­na­tion of old accu­mu­lat­ed waste mate­r­i­al. It restores the Agni (diges­tive fire) and brings bright­ness to the mind.


Self-guid­ed Kriyas accord­ing to the sup­plied Man­u­al

Morn­ing ses­sions from 07.00 to 08.00 for guid­ed Mantra, Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion and restora­tive Asana. Some days include ques­tion and answer ses­sion after­wards (option­al).

Detailed nutri­tion­al, herbal and dietary sup­port through­out the week pro­vid­ing a prop­er entry, sta­bil­i­ty and prop­er exit-taper­ing from the week.

Ayurvedic Con­sti­tu­tion (Dosha) Self-test to sup­port indi­vid­ual needs


March 15
Meet­ing and Intro Prac­tices includ­ing Q&A 08.30am
March 15 – 16
Prepa­ra­tion week­end using the Man­u­al and video guid­ance
March 17 – 21
5 days of guid­ed 60 min morn­ing Pranaya­ma, Med­i­ta­tion, Restor­ing Asana. (attend live, on zoom or watch record­ed mate­r­i­al at your con­ve­nience)
March 22 – 23
2 days of Taper­ing using the Man­u­al and fur­ther guidance

195.00 CHF
Man­u­al, video Record­ings, guid­ance, 6 live prac­tices (space is lim­it­ed for Live instu­dio attendance)

108.00 CHF
for return­ing Stu­dents who have done this Cleanse with us in the past (write to Bri­gi)

Svaru­pa Teacher Train­ing Groups 200H and 300H do this course for FREE

Lan­guage: Eng­lish
For­mat: Online (you are wel­come to join the morn­ing ses­sions live at the svarū­pa cave, record­ings avail­able in the con­tent library until April 6th, 2025)