advanced yoga teacher training (modular format or full 300h)

Insight, Continuing Education and Personal Growth

When you search for a place to con­tin­ue your jour­ney in Yoga Stud­ies, as a new or expe­ri­enced teacher or sea­soned prac­ti­tion­er, this Train­ing gives a chance for per­son­al­ized edu­ca­tion and growth. The var­i­ous  Mod­ules form the back­bone of this pro­gram with a wide range of spe­cial­ized study. Take the entire train­ing for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion or choose areas and mod­ules that sup­port your yog­ic path. 

Each year, we begin this 11-month jour­ney. The pro­gram is repeat­ed each year which allows you to study in a short time win­dow of one year or to stretch your stud­ies over 2 years and col­lect hours/modules.

Each inten­sive Mod­ule gives an immerse aspect into the prac­tice. But what brings the depth is that In between mod­ules — var­i­ous read­ings, record­ings and class­es keep the rhythm and ensure steady per­son­al­ized growth through­out the training.

Please apply when you’re inter­est­ed and we will arrange an inter­view to help you set up the course. 

Stephen Thomas

Asana, Pranaya­ma,
Med­i­ta­tion, Philosophy

Céline Ryf

Asana, Mantra, Phi­los­o­phy

Chris Eggenschwiler

Anato­my, Asana

Brigi Thomas-Moog

Ayurve­da, Asana,
Restora­tive Asanas

Dates 2025/2026

Preparation Course Work

begins Oct 20, 2025
Read­ing, some Video/Recordings, Thurs­day Morn­ings begin (record­ed or live).

On all Mod­ules, a *Full Day refers to approx­i­mate­ly 8 hours of Study, Prac­tice, The­o­ry, Lec­ture, Dis­cus­sions, Group Work, etc. Typ­i­cal­ly days begin at 8.00am and fin­ish at 18.00 with tea breaks, and a good rest­ful lunch break. There are some­times option­al evening pro­grams (movie, com­mu­ni­ty meal, late evening med­i­ta­tions, our out­door activities)

Module 1 — The Bridge

Nov 21 – 23, 2025 Full Days*
This Mod­ule brings togeth­er the insights need­ed to begin the jour­ney.
Lec­tures & Dis­cus­sions, Align­ment & Mod­i­fi­ca­tion to evolve a dynam­ic and restora­tive prac­tice, Pranaya­ma tech­nique and refine­ment and set up, Med­i­ta­tive approach­es. Every­thing need­ed to take the next steps.

Module 2 — The Teacher’s Seat

Jan 09 – 11, 2026 Full Days
How to improve sequenc­ing in Asana (them­ing, actions, improv­ing the effect for stu­dents. Mod­i­fi­ca­tions accord­ing to needs of stu­dents, work­ing with Spe­cial Con­di­tions, Ther­a­peu­tic Approach­es, Work­ing 1 – 1 with stu­dents, Group class strate­gies, Assist­ing and Hands-on adjustments

Module 3 — The Subtle Body

Mar 06 – 08, 2026 Full Days
How to work with the Sub­tle Body and Mind. Approach­ing the Body from the per­spec­tive of the sub­tle chan­nels in the body and mind. Ther­a­peu­tic approach­es based on Chakras The­o­ry, Nadis, Chi­nese Merid­i­an the­o­ry, Breath and Med­i­ta­tion. includ­ing Mantra, Rit­u­al & Ceremony.

Optional — Ayurvedic Week

Mar 15 ‑22, 2026
includ­ing Per­son­al guid­ance in a tra­di­tion­al Ayurvedic Spring Cleans­ing, Kriyas, guid­ed and sup­port­ed with dai­ly Pranaya­ma & Med­i­ta­tion.
Free for Stu­dents in Full cer­ti­fied ATT Course. Record­ed, Online or in per­son all possible.

Module 4 — Insight on Yin/Restorative

Apr 24 – 26, 2026 Full Days
Under­stand­ing effec­tive approach­es to Yin prac­tice

Anato­my in Yin, Approach­es to Restora­tive Prac­tice,
Sequenc­ing, phi­los­o­phy
Intro­duc­tion to the ways of work­ing with Yoga Nidra

Module 5 — The Sacred Breath

May 22 — 25, 2026 Pfin­g­sten Week­end
A com­pre­hen­sive dive into this world of Breath. Pranaya­ma, Breath­work, Wim Hof, Holotrop­ic, and the fas­ci­nat­ing world of Restora­tive Breath and Asana that helps with ner­vous sys­tem reg­u­la­tion, trau­ma, and reg­u­lat­ing the Ayurvedic Doshas. A lead­ing course for stu­dents that want to explore this world.

Module 6 — Bio-Mechanic, Anatomy, and Fascia

Jun 25 — 28, 2026 Full Days
Func­tion­al Anato­my for Yoga teach­ers, Injury Man­age­ment, pre­ven­tion and a deep dive into the world of Fas­cia and con­nec­tive tis­sue.

How this relates to the way we move and prac­tice Yoga.

Optional — Special Program Angelo Cecchi

Ear­ly August 2026
A spe­cial look at the way Iyen­gar’s mas­ter­ful approach to Asana can unlock poten­tial, pre­vent and heal injury, cre­ate dynam­ic aware­ness of the body and find intel­li­gence in move­ment. Bio Mechan­ics, Injury Man­age­ment, Align­ment and Depth. Reduced price for Stu­dents in Full ATT course.

Module 7 — The Mandala

Aug 27 — 30, 2026 Full Days
A cel­e­bra­tion and jour­ney into all the realms/aspects of prac­tice. A chance to find space for your­self to absolute­ly immerse into your prac­tices. Asana, Restora­tive, Breath, Move­ment, Mantra, Med­i­ta­tion. Readings/Study, Shar­ing, Ceremony/Ritual.

Module 8 — Yoga in Life, Life in Yoga

Oct 16 – 18, 2026
Weav­ing the Prac­tice and Phi­los­o­phy on and off the Mat. A study of philo­soph­i­cal per­spec­tives from the clas­sic Yoga texts and var­i­ous Bud­dhist stud­ies extra top­ics. Bring­ing Yoga to the World  Activism, Inclu­sion, Com­mu­ni­ty, nav­i­gat­ing mod­ern yoga, Social Media, Ser­vice — Kar­ma Yoga

The ways to approach

Modular Approach

When a stu­dent wish­es only to choose cer­tain mod­ules and not do the Full ATT Pro­gram, they can apply and reserve a space in advance for any Mod­ules they are inter­est­ed in. Where space is lim­it­ed, first come first served, and pri­or­i­ty is giv­en to stu­dents in the full ATT Program.

Certification Approach

The Full ATT cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram includes all 8 Mod­ules, plus all Thurs­day morn­ing class­es from the start of the course (one month before Mod­ule 1, until the end of Mod­ule 8. These Thurs­day morn­ings are reviewed online or live or record­ed**).
Those work­ing on the entire pro­gram are also part of the month­ly men­tor­ing, read­ing mate­ri­als, study sup­port and must com­plete home­work includ­ing 1 – 2 essays or case stud­ies, obser­va­tion hours & in class assist­ing hours.

**Stu­dents can com­plete the work quick­ly with­in 1 year or to take time and work over 2 years. Missed Mod­ules in one year may be tak­en in the fol­low­ing year. The same Mod­ules are offered each year in approx­i­mate­ly a sim­i­lar time of year. The next year mod­ule dates are shown approx­i­mate­ly 12 ‑16 months in advance to help with planning.

Fees, Application, Testimonials & Further Questions